πŸš€ Getting Started#

Landmarker is a Python package built on PyTorch that provides a comprehensive toolkit for anatomical landmark localization in 2D/3D medical images. This guide will help you get started with the basic functionality of the package.

Table of Contents#

βš™οΈ Installation#

You can install landmarker using pip:

pip install landmarker

The package requires Python 3.10 or higher.

Basic Usage#

1. Loading Data#

There are two main ways to load your data into landmarker:

Option 1: Using LandmarkDataset directly#

from landmarker.data import LandmarkDataset

# Initialize dataset
dataset = LandmarkDataset(
    imgs=image_paths,          # List of paths to your images
    landmarks=landmarks_array, # NumPy array of shape (N, C, D)
                             # N = number of samples
                             # C = number of landmark classes
                             # D = spatial dimensions (2 or 3)
    spatial_dims=2,          # 2 for 2D images, 3 for 3D
    transform=transforms,    # MONAI transforms for preprocessing
    dim_img=(512, 512),     # Target image dimensions
    class_names=names       # List of landmark class names

Option 2: Using Built-in Datasets#

from landmarker.dataset import get_cepha_landmark_datasets

# Load the ISBI2015 cephalometric dataset
data_dir = "path/to/data"
train_ds, test1_ds, test2_ds = get_cepha_landmark_datasets(data_dir)

2. Setting Up Heatmap Generation#

For heatmap-based landmark detection, you’ll need to set up a heatmap generator:

from landmarker.heatmap import GaussianHeatmapGenerator

generator = GaussianHeatmapGenerator(
    nb_landmarks=19,        # Number of landmarks
    sigmas=3,              # Standard deviation for Gaussian distribution
    learnable=True,        # Enable adaptive heatmap parameters
    heatmap_size=(512, 512) # Output heatmap dimensions

Note: you could also use the heatmapdataset to generate static heatmaps.

3. Creating and Training a Model#

Here’s an example using the SpatialConfigurationNetwork:

import torch
from landmarker.models import OriginalSpatialConfigurationNet
from landmarker.losses import GaussianHeatmapL2Loss
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

# Initialize model
model = OriginalSpatialConfigurationNet(
    in_channels=1,    # Number of input channels
    out_channels=19   # Number of landmarks

# Set up optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([
    {'params': model.parameters(), "weight_decay": 1e-3},
    {'params': heatmap_generator.sigmas},
    {'params': heatmap_generator.rotation}
], lr=1e-6, momentum=0.99, nesterov=True)

# Define loss function
criterion = GaussianHeatmapL2Loss(alpha=5)

# Create data loader
train_loader = DataLoader(

# Training loop
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = model.to(device)

for epoch in range(100):
    for batch in train_loader:
        images = batch["image"].to(device)
        landmarks = batch["landmark"].to(device)

        outputs = model(images)
        heatmaps = heatmap_generator(landmarks)
        loss = criterion(outputs, heatmap_generator.sigmas, heatmaps)


4. Visualization and Evaluation#

Landmarker provides tools for visualizing your data and model predictions:

from landmarker.visualize import inspection_plot, prediction_inspect_plot

# Visualize dataset samples
inspection_plot(dataset, range(3), heatmap_generator=generator)

# Visualize model predictions
prediction_inspect_plot(test_dataset, model, test_dataset.indices[:3])

Supported Features#

  • Multiple dataset types: LandmarkDataset, HeatmapDataset, MaskDataset, PatchDataset

  • Various image formats: NIfTI, DICOM, PNG, JPG, BMP, NPY/NPZ

  • Preprocessing and data augmentation through MONAI transformations

  • Multiple heatmap generation methods and decoding operations

  • Built-in models and loss functions

  • Comprehensive evaluation metrics and visualization tools

Tips for Best Results#

  1. Data Preprocessing: Use MONAI’s transformations to normalize and augment your data appropriately for your specific use case.

  2. Model Selection: Choose between coordinate regression and heatmap regression based on your requirements. Heatmap regression generally yields better performance.

  3. Hyperparameter Tuning: Experiment with different heatmap parameters (e.g., sigma values) and learning rates to optimize performance.

  4. Validation: Use the visualization tools regularly during training to ensure your model is learning correctly.

Common Issues and Solutions#

  • If your images have different dimensions, make sure to specify dim_img in the dataset initialization to resize them consistently.

  • For 3D images, remember to set spatial_dims=3 in the dataset initialization.

  • When using learnable heatmap parameters, ensure they’re included in the optimizer parameter groups.

Next Steps#

  • Explore the documentation for detailed API references

  • Check out the examples directory in the GitHub repository

  • Join the community and contribute to the project

For questions or issues, please contact jef.jonkers@ugent.be or visit the GitHub repository.