π Getting Started#
Landmarker is a Python package built on PyTorch that provides a comprehensive toolkit for anatomical landmark localization in 2D/3D medical images. This guide will help you get started with the basic functionality of the package.
Table of Contents#
βοΈ Installation#
You can install landmarker using pip:
pip install landmarker
The package requires Python 3.10 or higher.
Basic Usage#
1. Loading Data#
There are two main ways to load your data into landmarker:
Option 1: Using LandmarkDataset directly#
from landmarker.data import LandmarkDataset
# Initialize dataset
dataset = LandmarkDataset(
imgs=image_paths, # List of paths to your images
landmarks=landmarks_array, # NumPy array of shape (N, C, D)
# N = number of samples
# C = number of landmark classes
# D = spatial dimensions (2 or 3)
spatial_dims=2, # 2 for 2D images, 3 for 3D
transform=transforms, # MONAI transforms for preprocessing
dim_img=(512, 512), # Target image dimensions
class_names=names # List of landmark class names
Option 2: Using Built-in Datasets#
from landmarker.dataset import get_cepha_landmark_datasets
# Load the ISBI2015 cephalometric dataset
data_dir = "path/to/data"
train_ds, test1_ds, test2_ds = get_cepha_landmark_datasets(data_dir)
2. Setting Up Heatmap Generation#
For heatmap-based landmark detection, youβll need to set up a heatmap generator:
from landmarker.heatmap import GaussianHeatmapGenerator
generator = GaussianHeatmapGenerator(
nb_landmarks=19, # Number of landmarks
sigmas=3, # Standard deviation for Gaussian distribution
learnable=True, # Enable adaptive heatmap parameters
heatmap_size=(512, 512) # Output heatmap dimensions
Note: you could also use the heatmapdataset to generate static heatmaps.
3. Creating and Training a Model#
Hereβs an example using the SpatialConfigurationNetwork:
import torch
from landmarker.models import OriginalSpatialConfigurationNet
from landmarker.losses import GaussianHeatmapL2Loss
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
# Initialize model
model = OriginalSpatialConfigurationNet(
in_channels=1, # Number of input channels
out_channels=19 # Number of landmarks
# Set up optimizer
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([
{'params': model.parameters(), "weight_decay": 1e-3},
{'params': heatmap_generator.sigmas},
{'params': heatmap_generator.rotation}
], lr=1e-6, momentum=0.99, nesterov=True)
# Define loss function
criterion = GaussianHeatmapL2Loss(alpha=5)
# Create data loader
train_loader = DataLoader(
# Training loop
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
model = model.to(device)
for epoch in range(100):
for batch in train_loader:
images = batch["image"].to(device)
landmarks = batch["landmark"].to(device)
outputs = model(images)
heatmaps = heatmap_generator(landmarks)
loss = criterion(outputs, heatmap_generator.sigmas, heatmaps)
4. Visualization and Evaluation#
Landmarker provides tools for visualizing your data and model predictions:
from landmarker.visualize import inspection_plot, prediction_inspect_plot
# Visualize dataset samples
inspection_plot(dataset, range(3), heatmap_generator=generator)
# Visualize model predictions
prediction_inspect_plot(test_dataset, model, test_dataset.indices[:3])
Supported Features#
Multiple dataset types:
Various image formats: NIfTI, DICOM, PNG, JPG, BMP, NPY/NPZ
Preprocessing and data augmentation through MONAI transformations
Multiple heatmap generation methods and decoding operations
Built-in models and loss functions
Comprehensive evaluation metrics and visualization tools
Tips for Best Results#
Data Preprocessing: Use MONAIβs transformations to normalize and augment your data appropriately for your specific use case.
Model Selection: Choose between coordinate regression and heatmap regression based on your requirements. Heatmap regression generally yields better performance.
Hyperparameter Tuning: Experiment with different heatmap parameters (e.g., sigma values) and learning rates to optimize performance.
Validation: Use the visualization tools regularly during training to ensure your model is learning correctly.
Common Issues and Solutions#
If your images have different dimensions, make sure to specify
in the dataset initialization to resize them consistently.For 3D images, remember to set
in the dataset initialization.When using learnable heatmap parameters, ensure theyβre included in the optimizer parameter groups.
Next Steps#
Explore the documentation for detailed API references
Check out the examples directory in the GitHub repository
Join the community and contribute to the project
For questions or issues, please contact jef.jonkers@ugent.be or visit the GitHub repository.