Package tsflex

flexible time-series operations

This is the documentation of tsflex; a sequence first Python toolkit for processing & feature extraction, making few assumptions about input data.

This makes tsflex suitable for use-cases such as inference on streaming data, performing operations on irregularly sampled series, a holistic approach for operating on multivariate asynchronous data, and dealing with time-gaps.

~ With great flexibility comes great responsibility, read our docs!      - the tsflex devs


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Getting started 🚀

tsflex serves three main functionalities; series processing, feature extraction and chunking:

  • The processing module withholds a SeriesPipeline in which uni- and multivariate data processing operations can be defined.
  • The feature extraction module defines a FeatureCollection which mainly serves as a registry of defined features and allows performing highly-customizable strided-rolling feature extraction.
  • The chunking module withholds chunk_data(); a method which returns continuous data-chunks, based on passed arguments such as min_chunk_dur. The user can then use these data-chunks for either processing or feature extraction.

Data formats 🗄️

tsflex leverages the flexibility and convenience that Pandas delivers. This has the consequence that your input should always be either one or more pd.Series/pd.DataFrame. Using type-hinting, the input-data can be defined as:

import pandas as pd; from typing import Union, List
data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]

For brevity, we call an item from data, i.e., series or dataframe-column, a time-series (ts).

Wide vs. Long Data


Time series data is often stored in 2 data-types:

  1. Wide time-series data, also known as flat data, is the most common variant. Each column represents a data-modality and the index is the shared time.

    Note: As shown in top-right table of the example above, not all data-modalities might have values for the shared (~union) index. This circumstance introduces Not a Number (NaN) entries.

    It often makes more sense to treat such data as a ts-list of which all NaNs are omitted (table right-bottom).

  2. Long time-series data, which consists of 3 columns:
    • A non-index time-column, which thus can withhold duplicates
    • A kind column, defining the ts its name.
    • A value column, withholding the value for the corresponding kind-time combination

tsflex was built to support wide-dataframes & series-list data


If you use long data, you might want to convert this to other modalities.
As shown in the figure above, it is not recommended to transform long -> wide as this might introduce NaNs, potentially resulting in unwanted processing or feature-extraction behavior.

The snippet below provides the functionality for the long -> series-list transformation.

import pandas as pd; from typing import List

def long_dataframe_to_series_list(
    long_df: pd.DataFrame, time_col: str, value_col: str, kind_col: str
) -> List[pd.Series]:
    codes, uniques = pd.factorize(long_df[kind_col])
    series_list = []
    for idx, unique in enumerate(uniques):
                data=long_df.loc[codes == idx, value_col].values,
                index=long_df.loc[codes == idx, time_col],
    return series_list

Supported data-types

tsflex is rather versatile regarding the ts-data its types (e.g. np.float32, string-data, time-based data).

TODO: add examples of time-based / categorical / series-based function input features

Note: it is the end-users responsibility to use a function which interplays nicely with the data's format.

Comparison 🔎

The table below positions tsflex among other relative Python packages.

tsflex v0.2.2 seglearn v1.2.3 tsfresh v.0.18.0 TSFEL v0.1.4
Kats v0.1
Sequence index requirements Any - sortable Any - is sorted
Any - sortable Any - is sorted Datetime index
Multivariate time-series ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Unevenly sampled data ✔️ ✔️
Sequence column maintenance ✔️ ✔️
Retains output names ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Multiprocessing ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Operation Execution time logging ✔️
Chunking (multiple) time-series ✔️
Feature extraction
Strided-window definition format Sequence index range Sample-based Sample-based Sample-based Na.
Strided-window feature extraction ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Multiple stride-window combinations ✔️
Custom Features ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
One-to-one functions ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
One-to-many functions ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Many-to-one functions ✔️ ✔️
Many-to-many functions ✔️
Categorical data ✔️
Input datatype preservation ✔️

Benchmark 📊

The visualizations below compare tsflex v0.2.2 against other eligible packages for the strided-rolling feature extraction use-case. As a reference, the data size when loaded in RAM was 96.4MB.

In the first figure, the shaded areas represent the lower an upper quantile range (q=[0.1, 0.9]) of the runs.
In the second figure, the performance of tsflex & other related packages is charted as times more efficient than tfresh (for both sequential and multiprocessing execution).

These figures are constructed by using the tsflex-benchmarking repo, we refer to this repository for more details.

Expand source code
"""<i><b>flex</b>ible <b>t</b>ime-<b>s</b>eries operations</i>

.. include:: ../docs/pdoc_include/

.. include:: ../docs/pdoc_include/


__docformat__ = "numpy"
__author__ = "Jonas Van Der Donckt, Jeroen Van Der Donckt, Emiel Deprost"
__version__ = "0.4.0"
__pdoc__ = {
    # do not show tue utils module
    "tsflex.utils": False,
    # show the seriesprocessor & funcwrapper their call method
    "SeriesProcessor.__call__": True,
    "FuncWrapper.__call__": True,

__all__ = ["__version__", "__pdoc__"]

API reference of tsflex


Utilities for chunking time-series data before feeding it to the operators.


Feature extraction submodule …


Processing module …