Module tsflex.features.feature

FeatureDescriptor and MultipleFeatureDescriptors class for creating time-series features.

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FeatureDescriptor and MultipleFeatureDescriptors class for creating time-series


import itertools
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd

from ..utils.argument_parsing import parse_time_arg
from ..utils.attribute_parsing import AttributeParser, DataType
from ..utils.classes import FrozenClass
from import to_list, to_tuple
from .function_wrapper import FuncWrapper

class FeatureDescriptor(FrozenClass):
    """A FeatureDescriptor object, containing all feature information.

    function : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]
        The function that calculates the feature(s).
        The prototype of the function should match: \n

            function(*series: Union[np.array, pd.Series])
                -> Union[Any, List[Any]]

        Note that when the input type is ``pd.Series``, the function should be wrapped
          in a `FuncWrapper` with `input_type` = ``pd.Series``.

    series_name : Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]
        The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.
        This argument should match the `function` its input; \n
        * If `series_name` is a string (or tuple of a single string), then
            `function` should require just one series as input.
        * If `series_name` is a tuple of strings, then `function` should
            require `len(tuple)` series as input **and in exactly the same order**

    window : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], optional
        The window size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
        * If None, the `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs` will need to be
        * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series
            - its window **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
            - its window in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series is
              passed (must then be and `int`)
        * If the window's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the window size represents
          the window-time-range. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
        * If a `str`, it must represents a window-time-range-string. The **passed data
          must have a time-index**.
        .. Note::
            - When the `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs` are both passed to
              the `FeatureCollection.calculate` method, this window argument is ignored.
              Note that this is the only case when it is allowed to pass None for the
              window argument.
            - When the window argument is None, than the stride argument should be None
              as well (as it makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is

    stride : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
        The stride size(s). By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
        * If None, the stride will need to be passed to `FeatureCollection.calculate`.
        * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series
            - its stride **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
            - the stride in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series
              is passed (must then be and `int`)
        * If the stride's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the stride size represents
          the stride-time delta. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
        * If a `str`, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. The **passed data
          must have a time-index**. \n
        * If a `List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]`, then the set intersection,of the
          strides will be used (e.g., stride=[2,3] -> index: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, ...)
        .. Note::
            - The stride argument of `FeatureCollection.calculate` takes precedence over
              this value when set (i.e., not None value for `stride` passed to the
              `calculate` method).
            - The stride argument should be None when the window argument is None (as it
              makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is None).

    .. Note::
        As described above, the `window-stride` argument can be sample-based (when using
        time-index series and int based arguments), but we
        do **not encourage** using this for `time-indexed` sequences. As we make the
        implicit assumption that the time-based data is sampled at a fixed frequency
        So only, if you're 100% sure that this is correct, you can safely use such

    * The `window` and `stride` argument should be either **both** numeric or
      ``pd.Timedelta`` (depending on de index datatype) - when `stride` is not None.
    * For each `function` - `input`(-series) - `window` - stride combination, one needs
      to create a distinct `FeatureDescriptor`. Hence it is more convenient to
      create a `MultipleFeatureDescriptors` when `function` - `window` - `stride`
      **combinations** should be applied on various input-series (combinations).
    * When `function` takes **multiple series** (i.e., arguments) as **input**, these
      are joined (based on the index) before applying the function. If the indexes of
      these series are not exactly the same, it might occur that not all series have
      exactly the same length! Hence,  make sure that the `function` can deal with
    * For more information about the str-based time args, look into:
      [pandas time delta]({:target="_blank"}

        * Raised when the `function` is not an instance of Callable or FuncWrapper.
        * Raised when `window` and `stride` are not of exactly the same type (when
          `stride` is not None).

    See Also
    StridedRolling: As the window-stride sequence conversion takes place there.


    def __init__(
        function: Union[FuncWrapper, Callable],
        series_name: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
        window: Optional[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]] = None,
        stride: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        strides = sorted(set(to_list(stride)))  # omit duplicate stride values
        if window is None:
            assert strides == [None], "stride must be None if window is None"
        self.series_name: Tuple[str, ...] = to_tuple(series_name)
        self.window = parse_time_arg(window) if isinstance(window, str) else window
        if strides == [None]:
            self.stride = None
            self.stride = [
                parse_time_arg(s) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in strides

        # Verify whether window and stride are either both sequence or time based
        dtype_set = set(
            for v in [self.window] + to_list(self.stride)
        if len(dtype_set) > 1:
            raise TypeError(
                f"a combination of window ({self.window} type={type(self.window)}) and"
                f" stride ({self.stride}) is not supported!"

        # Order of if statements is important (as FuncWrapper also is a Callable)!
        if isinstance(function, FuncWrapper):
            self.function: FuncWrapper = function
        elif isinstance(function, Callable):  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            self.function: FuncWrapper = FuncWrapper(function)  # type: ignore[no-redef]
            raise TypeError(
                "Expected feature function to be `Callable` or `FuncWrapper` but is a"
                f" {type(function)}."

        # Construct a function-string
        f_name = str(self.function)
        self._func_str: str = f"{self.__class__.__name__} - func: {f_name}"


    def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
        """Return all required series names for this feature descriptor.

        Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute the
        feature function.

            List of all the required series names.

        return list(set(self.series_name))

    def get_nb_output_features(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of output features of this feature descriptor.

            Number of output features.

        return len(self.function.output_names)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Representation string of Feature."""
        return (
            f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.series_name}, {self.window}, "

class MultipleFeatureDescriptors:
    """Create a MultipleFeatureDescriptors object.

    Create a list of features from **all** combinations of the given parameter
    lists. Total number of created `FeatureDescriptor`s will be:


    functions : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]]
        The functions, can be either of both types (even in a single array).
    series_names : Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], List[Tuple[str, ...]]]
        The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.

        * If `series_names` is a (list of) string (or tuple of a single string),
          then each `function` should require just one series as input.
        * If `series_names` is a (list of) tuple of strings, then each `function` should
          require `len(tuple)` series as input.

        A `list` implies that multiple multiple series (combinations) will be used to
        extract features from; \n
        * If `series_names` is a string or a tuple of strings, then `function` will
          be called only once for the series of this argument.
        * If `series_names` is a list of either strings or tuple of strings, then
          `function` will be called for each entry of this list.

        .. Note::
            when passing a list as `series_names`, all items in this list should
            have the same type, i.e, either \n
            * all a str
            * or, all a tuple _with same length_.\n
            And perfectly match the func-input size.

    windows : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        All the window sizes.
    strides : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, None, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
        All the strides. By default None.

    The `windows` and `strides` argument should be either both numeric or
    ``pd.Timedelta`` (depending on de index datatype) - when `strides` is not None.


    def __init__(
        functions: Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]],
        series_names: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], List[Tuple[str, ...]]],
        windows: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        strides: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        # Cast functions to FuncWrapper, this avoids creating multiple
        # FuncWrapper objects for the same function in the FeatureDescriptor
        def to_func_wrapper(f: Callable) -> FuncWrapper:
            return f if isinstance(f, FuncWrapper) else FuncWrapper(f)

        functions = [to_func_wrapper(f) for f in to_list(functions)]
        # Convert the series names to list of tuples
        series_names = [to_tuple(names) for names in to_list(series_names)]
        # Assert that function inputs (series) all have the same length
        assert all(
            len(series_names[0]) == len(series_name_tuple)
            for series_name_tuple in series_names
        # Convert the other types to list
        windows = to_list(windows)

        self.feature_descriptions: List[FeatureDescriptor] = []
        # Iterate over all combinations
        combinations = [functions, series_names, windows]
        for function, series_name, window in itertools.product(*combinations):  # type: ignore[call-overload]
                FeatureDescriptor(function, series_name, window, strides)


class FeatureDescriptor (function, series_name, window=None, stride=None)
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class FeatureDescriptor(FrozenClass):
    """A FeatureDescriptor object, containing all feature information.

    function : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]
        The function that calculates the feature(s).
        The prototype of the function should match: \n

            function(*series: Union[np.array, pd.Series])
                -> Union[Any, List[Any]]

        Note that when the input type is ``pd.Series``, the function should be wrapped
          in a `FuncWrapper` with `input_type` = ``pd.Series``.

    series_name : Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]
        The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.
        This argument should match the `function` its input; \n
        * If `series_name` is a string (or tuple of a single string), then
            `function` should require just one series as input.
        * If `series_name` is a tuple of strings, then `function` should
            require `len(tuple)` series as input **and in exactly the same order**

    window : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], optional
        The window size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
        * If None, the `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs` will need to be
        * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series
            - its window **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
            - its window in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series is
              passed (must then be and `int`)
        * If the window's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the window size represents
          the window-time-range. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
        * If a `str`, it must represents a window-time-range-string. The **passed data
          must have a time-index**.
        .. Note::
            - When the `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs` are both passed to
              the `FeatureCollection.calculate` method, this window argument is ignored.
              Note that this is the only case when it is allowed to pass None for the
              window argument.
            - When the window argument is None, than the stride argument should be None
              as well (as it makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is

    stride : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
        The stride size(s). By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
        * If None, the stride will need to be passed to `FeatureCollection.calculate`.
        * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series
            - its stride **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
            - the stride in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series
              is passed (must then be and `int`)
        * If the stride's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the stride size represents
          the stride-time delta. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
        * If a `str`, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. The **passed data
          must have a time-index**. \n
        * If a `List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]`, then the set intersection,of the
          strides will be used (e.g., stride=[2,3] -> index: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, ...)
        .. Note::
            - The stride argument of `FeatureCollection.calculate` takes precedence over
              this value when set (i.e., not None value for `stride` passed to the
              `calculate` method).
            - The stride argument should be None when the window argument is None (as it
              makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is None).

    .. Note::
        As described above, the `window-stride` argument can be sample-based (when using
        time-index series and int based arguments), but we
        do **not encourage** using this for `time-indexed` sequences. As we make the
        implicit assumption that the time-based data is sampled at a fixed frequency
        So only, if you're 100% sure that this is correct, you can safely use such

    * The `window` and `stride` argument should be either **both** numeric or
      ``pd.Timedelta`` (depending on de index datatype) - when `stride` is not None.
    * For each `function` - `input`(-series) - `window` - stride combination, one needs
      to create a distinct `FeatureDescriptor`. Hence it is more convenient to
      create a `MultipleFeatureDescriptors` when `function` - `window` - `stride`
      **combinations** should be applied on various input-series (combinations).
    * When `function` takes **multiple series** (i.e., arguments) as **input**, these
      are joined (based on the index) before applying the function. If the indexes of
      these series are not exactly the same, it might occur that not all series have
      exactly the same length! Hence,  make sure that the `function` can deal with
    * For more information about the str-based time args, look into:
      [pandas time delta]({:target="_blank"}

        * Raised when the `function` is not an instance of Callable or FuncWrapper.
        * Raised when `window` and `stride` are not of exactly the same type (when
          `stride` is not None).

    See Also
    StridedRolling: As the window-stride sequence conversion takes place there.


    def __init__(
        function: Union[FuncWrapper, Callable],
        series_name: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
        window: Optional[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]] = None,
        stride: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        strides = sorted(set(to_list(stride)))  # omit duplicate stride values
        if window is None:
            assert strides == [None], "stride must be None if window is None"
        self.series_name: Tuple[str, ...] = to_tuple(series_name)
        self.window = parse_time_arg(window) if isinstance(window, str) else window
        if strides == [None]:
            self.stride = None
            self.stride = [
                parse_time_arg(s) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in strides

        # Verify whether window and stride are either both sequence or time based
        dtype_set = set(
            for v in [self.window] + to_list(self.stride)
        if len(dtype_set) > 1:
            raise TypeError(
                f"a combination of window ({self.window} type={type(self.window)}) and"
                f" stride ({self.stride}) is not supported!"

        # Order of if statements is important (as FuncWrapper also is a Callable)!
        if isinstance(function, FuncWrapper):
            self.function: FuncWrapper = function
        elif isinstance(function, Callable):  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            self.function: FuncWrapper = FuncWrapper(function)  # type: ignore[no-redef]
            raise TypeError(
                "Expected feature function to be `Callable` or `FuncWrapper` but is a"
                f" {type(function)}."

        # Construct a function-string
        f_name = str(self.function)
        self._func_str: str = f"{self.__class__.__name__} - func: {f_name}"


    def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
        """Return all required series names for this feature descriptor.

        Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute the
        feature function.

            List of all the required series names.

        return list(set(self.series_name))

    def get_nb_output_features(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of output features of this feature descriptor.

            Number of output features.

        return len(self.function.output_names)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Representation string of Feature."""
        return (
            f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.series_name}, {self.window}, "

A FeatureDescriptor object, containing all feature information.


function : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]

The function that calculates the feature(s). The prototype of the function should match:

function(*series: Union[np.array, pd.Series])
    -> Union[Any, List[Any]]

Note that when the input type is pd.Series, the function should be wrapped in a FuncWrapper with input_type = pd.Series.

series_name : Union[str, Tuple[str, …]]

The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied. This argument should match the function its input;

  • If series_name is a string (or tuple of a single string), then function should require just one series as input.
  • If series_name is a tuple of strings, then function should require len(tuple) series as input and in exactly the same order
window : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], optional

The window size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types:

  • If None, the segment_start_idxs and segment_end_idxs will need to be passed.
  • If the type is an float or an int, its value represents the series
    • its window range when a non time-indexed series is passed.
    • its window in number of samples, when a time-indexed series is passed (must then be and int)
  • If the window's type is a pd.Timedelta, the window size represents the window-time-range. The passed data must have a time-index.
  • If a str, it must represents a window-time-range-string. The passed data must have a time-index.


  • When the segment_start_idxs and segment_end_idxs are both passed to the FeatureCollection.calculate method, this window argument is ignored. Note that this is the only case when it is allowed to pass None for the window argument.
  • When the window argument is None, than the stride argument should be None as well (as it makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is None).
stride : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional

The stride size(s). By default None. This argument supports multiple types:

  • If None, the stride will need to be passed to FeatureCollection.calculate.
  • If the type is an float or an int, its value represents the series
    • its stride range when a non time-indexed series is passed.
    • the stride in number of samples, when a time-indexed series is passed (must then be and int)
  • If the stride's type is a pd.Timedelta, the stride size represents the stride-time delta. The passed data must have a time-index.
  • If a str, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. The passed data must have a time-index.

  • If a List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]], then the set intersection,of the strides will be used (e.g., stride=[2,3] -> index: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, …)


  • The stride argument of FeatureCollection.calculate takes precedence over this value when set (i.e., not None value for stride passed to the calculate method).
  • The stride argument should be None when the window argument is None (as it makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is None).


As described above, the window-stride argument can be sample-based (when using time-index series and int based arguments), but we do not encourage using this for time-indexed sequences. As we make the implicit assumption that the time-based data is sampled at a fixed frequency So only, if you're 100% sure that this is correct, you can safely use such arguments.


  • The window and stride argument should be either both numeric or pd.Timedelta (depending on de index datatype) - when stride is not None.
  • For each function - input(-series) - window - stride combination, one needs to create a distinct FeatureDescriptor. Hence it is more convenient to create a MultipleFeatureDescriptors when function - window - stride combinations should be applied on various input-series (combinations).
  • When function takes multiple series (i.e., arguments) as input, these are joined (based on the index) before applying the function. If the indexes of these series are not exactly the same, it might occur that not all series have exactly the same length! Hence, make sure that the function can deal with this!
  • For more information about the str-based time args, look into: pandas time delta


  • Raised when the function is not an instance of Callable or FuncWrapper.
  • Raised when window and stride are not of exactly the same type (when stride is not None).

See Also

As the window-stride sequence conversion takes place there.


  • tsflex.utils.classes.FrozenClass


def get_required_series(self)
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def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
    """Return all required series names for this feature descriptor.

    Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute the
    feature function.

        List of all the required series names.

    return list(set(self.series_name))

Return all required series names for this feature descriptor.

Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute the feature function.


List of all the required series names.
def get_nb_output_features(self)
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def get_nb_output_features(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of output features of this feature descriptor.

        Number of output features.

    return len(self.function.output_names)

Return the number of output features of this feature descriptor.


Number of output features.
class MultipleFeatureDescriptors (functions, series_names, windows=None, strides=None)
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class MultipleFeatureDescriptors:
    """Create a MultipleFeatureDescriptors object.

    Create a list of features from **all** combinations of the given parameter
    lists. Total number of created `FeatureDescriptor`s will be:


    functions : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]]
        The functions, can be either of both types (even in a single array).
    series_names : Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], List[Tuple[str, ...]]]
        The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.

        * If `series_names` is a (list of) string (or tuple of a single string),
          then each `function` should require just one series as input.
        * If `series_names` is a (list of) tuple of strings, then each `function` should
          require `len(tuple)` series as input.

        A `list` implies that multiple multiple series (combinations) will be used to
        extract features from; \n
        * If `series_names` is a string or a tuple of strings, then `function` will
          be called only once for the series of this argument.
        * If `series_names` is a list of either strings or tuple of strings, then
          `function` will be called for each entry of this list.

        .. Note::
            when passing a list as `series_names`, all items in this list should
            have the same type, i.e, either \n
            * all a str
            * or, all a tuple _with same length_.\n
            And perfectly match the func-input size.

    windows : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        All the window sizes.
    strides : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, None, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
        All the strides. By default None.

    The `windows` and `strides` argument should be either both numeric or
    ``pd.Timedelta`` (depending on de index datatype) - when `strides` is not None.


    def __init__(
        functions: Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]],
        series_names: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], List[Tuple[str, ...]]],
        windows: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        strides: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        # Cast functions to FuncWrapper, this avoids creating multiple
        # FuncWrapper objects for the same function in the FeatureDescriptor
        def to_func_wrapper(f: Callable) -> FuncWrapper:
            return f if isinstance(f, FuncWrapper) else FuncWrapper(f)

        functions = [to_func_wrapper(f) for f in to_list(functions)]
        # Convert the series names to list of tuples
        series_names = [to_tuple(names) for names in to_list(series_names)]
        # Assert that function inputs (series) all have the same length
        assert all(
            len(series_names[0]) == len(series_name_tuple)
            for series_name_tuple in series_names
        # Convert the other types to list
        windows = to_list(windows)

        self.feature_descriptions: List[FeatureDescriptor] = []
        # Iterate over all combinations
        combinations = [functions, series_names, windows]
        for function, series_name, window in itertools.product(*combinations):  # type: ignore[call-overload]
                FeatureDescriptor(function, series_name, window, strides)

Create a MultipleFeatureDescriptors object.

Create a list of features from all combinations of the given parameter lists. Total number of created FeatureDescriptors will be:



functions : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]]
The functions, can be either of both types (even in a single array).
series_names : Union[str, Tuple[str, …], List[str], List[Tuple[str, …]]]

The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.

  • If series_names is a (list of) string (or tuple of a single string), then each function should require just one series as input.
  • If series_names is a (list of) tuple of strings, then each function should require len(tuple) series as input.

A list implies that multiple multiple series (combinations) will be used to extract features from;

  • If series_names is a string or a tuple of strings, then function will be called only once for the series of this argument.
  • If series_names is a list of either strings or tuple of strings, then function will be called for each entry of this list.


when passing a list as series_names, all items in this list should have the same type, i.e, either

  • all a str
  • or, all a tuple with same length.

And perfectly match the func-input size.

windows : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
All the window sizes.
strides : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, None, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
All the strides. By default None.


The windows and strides argument should be either both numeric or pd.Timedelta (depending on de index datatype) - when strides is not None.