Module tsflex.features

Feature extraction submodule.

Feature extraction guide

The following sections will explain the feature extraction module in detail.

Jump to API reference

Working example ✅

tsflex is built to be intuitive, so we encourage you to copy-paste this code and toy with some parameters!

This executable example creates a feature-collection that contains 2 features (skewness and minimum). Note that tsflex does not make any assumptions about the sampling rate of the time-series data.

import pandas as pd; import scipy.stats as ss; import numpy as np
from tsflex.features import FeatureDescriptor, FeatureCollection, FuncWrapper

# 1. -------- Get your time-indexed data --------
# Data contains 1 column; ["TMP"]
url = ""
data = pd.read_parquet(url + "tmp.parquet").set_index("timestamp")

# 2 -------- Construct your feature collection --------
fc = FeatureCollection(
            function=FuncWrapper(func=ss.skew, output_names="skew"),
            window="5min", stride="2.5min",
# -- 2.1. Add features to your feature collection
# NOTE: tsflex allows features to have different windows and strides
fc.add(FeatureDescriptor(np.min, "TMP", '2.5min', '2.5min'))

# 3 -------- Calculate features --------
fc.calculate(data=data, return_df=True)  # which outputs:
timestamp TMP__amin__w=1m_s=30s TMP__skew__w=2m_s=1m
2017-06-13 14:23:13+02:00 27.37 nan
2017-06-13 14:23:43+02:00 27.37 nan
2017-06-13 14:24:13+02:00 27.43 10.8159
2017-06-13 14:24:43+02:00 27.81 nan
2017-06-13 14:25:13+02:00 28.23 -0.0327893


More advanced feature-extraction examples can be found in these example notebooks

Getting started 🚀

The feature-extraction functionality of tsflex is provided by a FeatureCollection that contains FeatureDescriptors. The features are calculated (in a parallel manner) on the data that is passed to the feature collection.


features uml

As shown above, there are 3 relevant classes for feature-extraction.

  1. FeatureCollection: serves as a registry, withholding the to-be-calculated features
  2. FeatureDescriptor: an instance of this class describes a feature.
    Features are defined by:
    • series_name: the names of the input series on which the feature-function will operate
    • function: the Callable feature-function - e.g. np.mean
    • window: the sample or time-based window - e.g. 200 or "2days"
    • stride: the sample or time-based stride - e.g. 15 or "1hour"
  3. FuncWrapper: wraps Callable feature functions, and is intended for feature function configuration.
    FuncWrappers are defined by:
    • func: The wrapped feature-function
    • output_names: set custom and/or multiple feature output names
    • input_type: define the feature its datatype; e.g., a pd.Series or np.array
    • **kwargs: additional keyword argument which are passed to func

The snippet below shows how the FeatureCollection & FeatureDescriptor components work together:

import numpy as np; import scipy.stats as ss
from tsflex.features import FeatureDescriptor, FeatureCollection

# The FeatureCollection takes a List[FeatureDescriptor] as input
# There is no need for using a FuncWrapper when dealing with simple feature functions
fc = FeatureCollection(feature_descriptors=[
        FeatureDescriptor(np.mean, "series_a", "1hour", "15min"),
        FeatureDescriptor(ss.skew, "series_b", "3hours", "5min")

# We can still add features after instantiating.
fc.add(features=[FeatureDescriptor(np.std, "series_a", "1hour", "15min")])

# Calculate the features

Feature functions

A feature function needs to match this prototype:

function(*series: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series], **kwargs)
    -> Union[Any, List[Any]]

Hence, feature functions should take one (or multiple) arrays as first input. This can be followed by some keyword arguments.
The output of a feature function can be rather versatile (e.g., a float, integer, string, bool, … or a list thereof).

Note that the feature function may also take more than one series as input. In this case, the feature function should be wrapped in a FuncWrapper, with the input_type argument set to pd.Series.

In the advanced usage section, more info is given on these feature-function.

Multiple feature descriptors

Sometimes it can get overly verbose when the same feature is shared over multiple series, windows and/or strides. To solve this problem, we introduce the MultipleFeatureDescriptors. This component allows to create multiple feature descriptors for all the function - series_name(s) - window - stride combinations.

As shown in the example below, a MultipleFeatureDescriptors instance can be added a FeatureCollection.

import numpy as np; import scipy.stats as ss
from tsflex.features import FeatureDescriptor, FeatureCollection
from tsflex.features import MultipleFeatureDescriptors

# There is no need for using a FuncWrapper when dealing with simple feature functions
fc = FeatureCollection(feature_descriptors=[
        FeatureDescriptor(np.mean, "series_a", "1hour", "15min"),
        FeatureDescriptor(ss.skew, "series_b", "3hours", "5min"),
        # Expands to a feature-descriptor list, withholding the combination of all 
        # The feature-window-stride arguments above.
            functions=[np.min, np.max, np.std, ss.skew],
            series_names=["series_a", "series_b", "series_c"],
            windows=["5min", "15min"],

# Calculate the features

Output format

The output of the FeatureCollection its .calculate() is a (list of) sequence-indexed pd.DataFrames with column names:


The column-name for the first feature defined in the snippet above will thus be series_a__std__w=1h__s=15m.

When the windows and strides are defined in a sample based-manner (which is mandatory for non datetime-indexed data), a possible output column would be series_a__std__w=100_s=15, where the window and stride are defined in samples and thus not in time-strings.


You can find more information about the input data-formats in this section and read more about the (obvious) limitations in the next section.

Limitations ⚠️

It is important to note that there a still some, albeit logical, limitations regarding the supported data format.

These limitations are:

  1. Each ts must be in the flat/wide data format and they all need to have the same sequence index dtype, which needs to be sortable.
    • It just doesn't make sense to have a mix of different sequence index dtypes.
      Imagine a FeatureCollection to which a ts with a pd.DatetimeIndex is passed, but a ts with a pd.RangeIndex is also passed. Both indexes aren't comparable, which thus is counterintuitive.
  2. tsflex has no support for multi-indexes & multi-columns
  3. tsflex assumes that each ts has a unique name. Hence no duplicate ts names are allowed
    • Countermeasure: rename your ts

Important notes 📢

We support various data-types. e.g. (np.float32, string-data, time-based data). However, it is the end-users responsibility to use a function which interplays nicely with the data its format.

Advanced usage 👀

Also take a look at the .reduce() and .serialize() methods.

Versatile functions

As explained above tsflex is rather versatile in terms of function input and output.

tsflex does not just allow one-to-one processing functions, but also many-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many functions are supported in a convenient way:

  • many-to-one; the feature function should

    • take multiple series as input
    • output a single value

    The function should (usually) not be wrapped in a FuncWrapper.
    Note that now the series_name argument requires a tuple of the ordered input series names.


def abs_sum_diff(s1: np.array, s2: np.array) -> float:
    min_len = min(len(s1), len(s2))
    return np.sum(np.abs(s1[:min_len] - s2[:min_len]))

fd = FeatureDescriptor(
    abs_sum_diff, series_name=("series_1", "series_2"), 
    window="5m", stride="2m30s",
  • one-to-many; the feature function should

    • take a single series as input
    • output multiple values

    The function should be wrapped in a FuncWrapper to log its multiple output names.


def abs_stats(s: np.array) -> Tuple[float]:
    s_abs = np.abs(s)
    return np.min(s_abs), np.max(s_abs), np.mean(s_abs), np.std(s_abs)

output_names = ["abs_min", "abs_max", "abs_mean", "abs_std"]
fd = FeatureDescriptor(
    FuncWrapper(abs_stats, output_names=output_names),
    series_name="series_1", window="5m", stride="2m30s",
  • many-to-many; the feature function should

    • take multiple series as input
    • output multiple values

    The function should be wrapped in a FuncWrapper to log its multiple output names.


def abs_stats_diff(s1: np.array, s2: np.array) -> Tuple[float]:
    min_len = min(len(s1), len(s2))
    s_abs_diff = np.sum(np.abs(s1[:min_len] - s2[:min_len]))
    return np.min(s_abs_diff), np.max(s_abs_diff), np.mean(s_abs_diff)

output_names = ["abs_diff_min", "abs_diff_max", "abs_diff_mean"]
fd = FeatureDescriptor(
    FuncWrapper(abs_stats_diff, output_names=output_names),
    series_name=("series_1", "series_2"), window="5m", stride="2m30s",


As visible in the feature function prototype, both np.array and pd.Series are supported function input types. If your feature function requires pd.Series as input (instead of the default np.array), the function should be wrapped in a FuncWrapper with the input_type argument set to pd.Series.

An example of a function that leverages the pd.Series datatype:

def linear_trend_timewise(s: pd.Series):
    # Get differences between each timestamp and the first timestamp in hour float
    # Then convert to hours and reshape for linear regression
    times_hours = np.asarray((s.index - s.index[0]).total_seconds() / 3600)
    linReg = linregress(times_hours, s.values)
    return linReg.slope, linReg.intercept, linReg.rvalue

fd = FeatureDescriptor(
        ["twise_regr_slope", "twise_regr_intercept", "twise_regr_r_value"],


There are no assumptions made about the data its sequence-ranges. However, the end-user must take some things in consideration.

  • By using the bound_method argument of .calculate(), the end-user can specify whether the "inner" or "outer" data-bounds will be used for generating the slice-ranges.
  • All ts must-have the same data-index dtype. this makes them comparable and allows for generating same-range slices on multivariate data.

Irregularly sampled data

Strided-rolling feature extraction on irregularly sampled data results in varying feature-segment sizes.

When using multivariate data, with either different sample rates or with an irregular data-rate, you cannot make the assumption that all windows will have the same length. Your feature extraction method should thus be:

  • robust for varying length windows
  • robust for (possible) empty windows


For conveniently creating such robust features we suggest using the make_robust function.


A warning will be raised when irregular sampled data is observed.
In order to avoid this warning, the user should explicitly approve that there may be sparsity in the data by setting the approve_sparsity flag to True in the .calculate() method.


When a logging_file_path is passed to the FeatureCollection its .calculate() method, the execution times of the feature functions will be logged.

This is especially useful to identify which feature functions take a long time to compute.

More info about logging.

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"""Feature extraction submodule.

.. include:: ../../docs/pdoc_include/


__author__ = "Jonas Van Der Donckt, Jeroen Van Der Donckt, Emiel Deprost"

from .. import __pdoc__
from .feature import FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors
from .feature_collection import FeatureCollection
from .function_wrapper import FuncWrapper
from .logger import get_feature_logs, get_function_stats, get_series_names_stats
from .segmenter import StridedRollingFactory

__pdoc__["FuncWrapper.__call__"] = True

__all__ = [

API reference of tsflex.features


FeatureDescriptor and MultipleFeatureDescriptors class for creating time-series features.


FeatureCollection class for bookkeeping and calculation of time-series features …


FuncWrapper class for object-oriented representation of a function.


Wrappers for seamless integration of feature functions from other packages.


Contains the used variables and functions to provide logging functionality …


Series segmentation submodule.


Utility functions for more convenient feature extraction.


def get_feature_logs(logging_file_path)
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def get_feature_logs(logging_file_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Get execution (time) info for each feature of a `FeatureCollection`.

    logging_file_path: str
        The file path where the logged messages are stored. This is the file path that
        is passed to the `FeatureCollection` its `calculate` method.

        A DataFrame with the features its function, input series names and
        (%) calculation duration.

    df = _parse_logging_execution_to_df(logging_file_path)
    df["duration"] = pd.to_timedelta(df["duration"], unit="s")
    return df

Get execution (time) info for each feature of a FeatureCollection.


logging_file_path : str
The file path where the logged messages are stored. This is the file path that is passed to the FeatureCollection its calculate method.


A DataFrame with the features its function, input series names and (%) calculation duration.
def get_function_stats(logging_file_path)
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def get_function_stats(logging_file_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Get execution (time) statistics for each function.

    logging_file_path: str
        The file path where the logged messages are stored. This is the file path that
        is passed to the `FeatureCollection` its `calculate` method.

        A DataFrame with for each function (i.e., `function-(window,stride)`)
        combination the mean (time), std (time), sum (time), sum (% time),
        mean (% time),and number of executions.

    df = _parse_logging_execution_to_df(logging_file_path)
    # Get the sorted functions in a list to use as key for sorting the groups
    sorted_funcs = (
        .agg({"duration": ["mean"]})
        .sort_values(by=("duration", "mean"), ascending=True)

    def key_func(idx_level):  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
        if all(idx in sorted_funcs for idx in idx_level):
            return [sorted_funcs.index(idx) for idx in idx_level]
        return idx_level

    return (
        df.groupby(["function", "window", "stride"])
                "duration": ["sum", "mean", "std", "count"],
                "duration %": ["sum", "mean"],
        .sort_index(key=key_func, ascending=False)

Get execution (time) statistics for each function.


logging_file_path : str
The file path where the logged messages are stored. This is the file path that is passed to the FeatureCollection its calculate method.


A DataFrame with for each function (i.e., function-(window,stride)) combination the mean (time), std (time), sum (time), sum (% time), mean (% time),and number of executions.
def get_series_names_stats(logging_file_path)
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def get_series_names_stats(logging_file_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Get execution (time) statistics for each `key-(window,stride)` combination.

    logging_file_path: str
        The file path where the logged messages are stored. This is the file path that
        is passed to the `FeatureCollection` its `calculate` method.

        A DataFrame with for each function the mean (time), std (time), sum (time),
        sum (% time), mean (% time), and number of executions.

    df = _parse_logging_execution_to_df(logging_file_path)
    return (
        df.groupby(["series_names", "window", "stride"])
                "duration": ["sum", "mean", "std", "count"],
                "duration %": ["sum", "mean"],
        .sort_values(by=("duration", "sum"), ascending=False)

Get execution (time) statistics for each key-(window,stride) combination.


logging_file_path : str
The file path where the logged messages are stored. This is the file path that is passed to the FeatureCollection its calculate method.


A DataFrame with for each function the mean (time), std (time), sum (time), sum (% time), mean (% time), and number of executions.


class FeatureDescriptor (function, series_name, window=None, stride=None)
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class FeatureDescriptor(FrozenClass):
    """A FeatureDescriptor object, containing all feature information.

    function : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]
        The function that calculates the feature(s).
        The prototype of the function should match: \n

            function(*series: Union[np.array, pd.Series])
                -> Union[Any, List[Any]]

        Note that when the input type is ``pd.Series``, the function should be wrapped
          in a `FuncWrapper` with `input_type` = ``pd.Series``.

    series_name : Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]
        The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.
        This argument should match the `function` its input; \n
        * If `series_name` is a string (or tuple of a single string), then
            `function` should require just one series as input.
        * If `series_name` is a tuple of strings, then `function` should
            require `len(tuple)` series as input **and in exactly the same order**

    window : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], optional
        The window size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
        * If None, the `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs` will need to be
        * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series
            - its window **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
            - its window in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series is
              passed (must then be and `int`)
        * If the window's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the window size represents
          the window-time-range. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
        * If a `str`, it must represents a window-time-range-string. The **passed data
          must have a time-index**.
        .. Note::
            - When the `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs` are both passed to
              the `FeatureCollection.calculate` method, this window argument is ignored.
              Note that this is the only case when it is allowed to pass None for the
              window argument.
            - When the window argument is None, than the stride argument should be None
              as well (as it makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is

    stride : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
        The stride size(s). By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
        * If None, the stride will need to be passed to `FeatureCollection.calculate`.
        * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series
            - its stride **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
            - the stride in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series
              is passed (must then be and `int`)
        * If the stride's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the stride size represents
          the stride-time delta. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
        * If a `str`, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. The **passed data
          must have a time-index**. \n
        * If a `List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]`, then the set intersection,of the
          strides will be used (e.g., stride=[2,3] -> index: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, ...)
        .. Note::
            - The stride argument of `FeatureCollection.calculate` takes precedence over
              this value when set (i.e., not None value for `stride` passed to the
              `calculate` method).
            - The stride argument should be None when the window argument is None (as it
              makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is None).

    .. Note::
        As described above, the `window-stride` argument can be sample-based (when using
        time-index series and int based arguments), but we
        do **not encourage** using this for `time-indexed` sequences. As we make the
        implicit assumption that the time-based data is sampled at a fixed frequency
        So only, if you're 100% sure that this is correct, you can safely use such

    * The `window` and `stride` argument should be either **both** numeric or
      ``pd.Timedelta`` (depending on de index datatype) - when `stride` is not None.
    * For each `function` - `input`(-series) - `window` - stride combination, one needs
      to create a distinct `FeatureDescriptor`. Hence it is more convenient to
      create a `MultipleFeatureDescriptors` when `function` - `window` - `stride`
      **combinations** should be applied on various input-series (combinations).
    * When `function` takes **multiple series** (i.e., arguments) as **input**, these
      are joined (based on the index) before applying the function. If the indexes of
      these series are not exactly the same, it might occur that not all series have
      exactly the same length! Hence,  make sure that the `function` can deal with
    * For more information about the str-based time args, look into:
      [pandas time delta]({:target="_blank"}

        * Raised when the `function` is not an instance of Callable or FuncWrapper.
        * Raised when `window` and `stride` are not of exactly the same type (when
          `stride` is not None).

    See Also
    StridedRolling: As the window-stride sequence conversion takes place there.


    def __init__(
        function: Union[FuncWrapper, Callable],
        series_name: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]],
        window: Optional[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]] = None,
        stride: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        strides = sorted(set(to_list(stride)))  # omit duplicate stride values
        if window is None:
            assert strides == [None], "stride must be None if window is None"
        self.series_name: Tuple[str, ...] = to_tuple(series_name)
        self.window = parse_time_arg(window) if isinstance(window, str) else window
        if strides == [None]:
            self.stride = None
            self.stride = [
                parse_time_arg(s) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in strides

        # Verify whether window and stride are either both sequence or time based
        dtype_set = set(
            for v in [self.window] + to_list(self.stride)
        if len(dtype_set) > 1:
            raise TypeError(
                f"a combination of window ({self.window} type={type(self.window)}) and"
                f" stride ({self.stride}) is not supported!"

        # Order of if statements is important (as FuncWrapper also is a Callable)!
        if isinstance(function, FuncWrapper):
            self.function: FuncWrapper = function
        elif isinstance(function, Callable):  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            self.function: FuncWrapper = FuncWrapper(function)  # type: ignore[no-redef]
            raise TypeError(
                "Expected feature function to be `Callable` or `FuncWrapper` but is a"
                f" {type(function)}."

        # Construct a function-string
        f_name = str(self.function)
        self._func_str: str = f"{self.__class__.__name__} - func: {f_name}"


    def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
        """Return all required series names for this feature descriptor.

        Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute the
        feature function.

            List of all the required series names.

        return list(set(self.series_name))

    def get_nb_output_features(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of output features of this feature descriptor.

            Number of output features.

        return len(self.function.output_names)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Representation string of Feature."""
        return (
            f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.series_name}, {self.window}, "

A FeatureDescriptor object, containing all feature information.


function : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]

The function that calculates the feature(s). The prototype of the function should match:

function(*series: Union[np.array, pd.Series])
    -> Union[Any, List[Any]]

Note that when the input type is pd.Series, the function should be wrapped in a FuncWrapper with input_type = pd.Series.

series_name : Union[str, Tuple[str, …]]

The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied. This argument should match the function its input;

  • If series_name is a string (or tuple of a single string), then function should require just one series as input.
  • If series_name is a tuple of strings, then function should require len(tuple) series as input and in exactly the same order
window : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], optional

The window size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types:

  • If None, the segment_start_idxs and segment_end_idxs will need to be passed.
  • If the type is an float or an int, its value represents the series
    • its window range when a non time-indexed series is passed.
    • its window in number of samples, when a time-indexed series is passed (must then be and int)
  • If the window's type is a pd.Timedelta, the window size represents the window-time-range. The passed data must have a time-index.
  • If a str, it must represents a window-time-range-string. The passed data must have a time-index.


  • When the segment_start_idxs and segment_end_idxs are both passed to the .calculate() method, this window argument is ignored. Note that this is the only case when it is allowed to pass None for the window argument.
  • When the window argument is None, than the stride argument should be None as well (as it makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is None).
stride : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional

The stride size(s). By default None. This argument supports multiple types:

  • If None, the stride will need to be passed to .calculate().
  • If the type is an float or an int, its value represents the series
    • its stride range when a non time-indexed series is passed.
    • the stride in number of samples, when a time-indexed series is passed (must then be and int)
  • If the stride's type is a pd.Timedelta, the stride size represents the stride-time delta. The passed data must have a time-index.
  • If a str, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. The passed data must have a time-index.

  • If a List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]], then the set intersection,of the strides will be used (e.g., stride=[2,3] -> index: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, …)


  • The stride argument of .calculate() takes precedence over this value when set (i.e., not None value for stride passed to the calculate method).
  • The stride argument should be None when the window argument is None (as it makes no sense to pass a stride value when the window is None).


As described above, the window-stride argument can be sample-based (when using time-index series and int based arguments), but we do not encourage using this for time-indexed sequences. As we make the implicit assumption that the time-based data is sampled at a fixed frequency So only, if you're 100% sure that this is correct, you can safely use such arguments.


  • The window and stride argument should be either both numeric or pd.Timedelta (depending on de index datatype) - when stride is not None.
  • For each function - input(-series) - window - stride combination, one needs to create a distinct FeatureDescriptor. Hence it is more convenient to create a MultipleFeatureDescriptors when function - window - stride combinations should be applied on various input-series (combinations).
  • When function takes multiple series (i.e., arguments) as input, these are joined (based on the index) before applying the function. If the indexes of these series are not exactly the same, it might occur that not all series have exactly the same length! Hence, make sure that the function can deal with this!
  • For more information about the str-based time args, look into: pandas time delta


  • Raised when the function is not an instance of Callable or FuncWrapper.
  • Raised when window and stride are not of exactly the same type (when stride is not None).

See Also

As the window-stride sequence conversion takes place there.


  • tsflex.utils.classes.FrozenClass


def get_required_series(self)
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def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
    """Return all required series names for this feature descriptor.

    Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute the
    feature function.

        List of all the required series names.

    return list(set(self.series_name))

Return all required series names for this feature descriptor.

Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute the feature function.


List of all the required series names.
def get_nb_output_features(self)
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def get_nb_output_features(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of output features of this feature descriptor.

        Number of output features.

    return len(self.function.output_names)

Return the number of output features of this feature descriptor.


Number of output features.
class MultipleFeatureDescriptors (functions, series_names, windows=None, strides=None)
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class MultipleFeatureDescriptors:
    """Create a MultipleFeatureDescriptors object.

    Create a list of features from **all** combinations of the given parameter
    lists. Total number of created `FeatureDescriptor`s will be:


    functions : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]]
        The functions, can be either of both types (even in a single array).
    series_names : Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], List[Tuple[str, ...]]]
        The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.

        * If `series_names` is a (list of) string (or tuple of a single string),
          then each `function` should require just one series as input.
        * If `series_names` is a (list of) tuple of strings, then each `function` should
          require `len(tuple)` series as input.

        A `list` implies that multiple multiple series (combinations) will be used to
        extract features from; \n
        * If `series_names` is a string or a tuple of strings, then `function` will
          be called only once for the series of this argument.
        * If `series_names` is a list of either strings or tuple of strings, then
          `function` will be called for each entry of this list.

        .. Note::
            when passing a list as `series_names`, all items in this list should
            have the same type, i.e, either \n
            * all a str
            * or, all a tuple _with same length_.\n
            And perfectly match the func-input size.

    windows : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        All the window sizes.
    strides : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, None, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
        All the strides. By default None.

    The `windows` and `strides` argument should be either both numeric or
    ``pd.Timedelta`` (depending on de index datatype) - when `strides` is not None.


    def __init__(
        functions: Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]],
        series_names: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], List[Tuple[str, ...]]],
        windows: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        strides: Optional[
            Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
        ] = None,
        # Cast functions to FuncWrapper, this avoids creating multiple
        # FuncWrapper objects for the same function in the FeatureDescriptor
        def to_func_wrapper(f: Callable) -> FuncWrapper:
            return f if isinstance(f, FuncWrapper) else FuncWrapper(f)

        functions = [to_func_wrapper(f) for f in to_list(functions)]
        # Convert the series names to list of tuples
        series_names = [to_tuple(names) for names in to_list(series_names)]
        # Assert that function inputs (series) all have the same length
        assert all(
            len(series_names[0]) == len(series_name_tuple)
            for series_name_tuple in series_names
        # Convert the other types to list
        windows = to_list(windows)

        self.feature_descriptions: List[FeatureDescriptor] = []
        # Iterate over all combinations
        combinations = [functions, series_names, windows]
        for function, series_name, window in itertools.product(*combinations):  # type: ignore[call-overload]
                FeatureDescriptor(function, series_name, window, strides)

Create a MultipleFeatureDescriptors object.

Create a list of features from all combinations of the given parameter lists. Total number of created FeatureDescriptors will be:



functions : Union[FuncWrapper, Callable, List[Union[FuncWrapper, Callable]]]
The functions, can be either of both types (even in a single array).
series_names : Union[str, Tuple[str, …], List[str], List[Tuple[str, …]]]

The names of the series on which the feature function should be applied.

  • If series_names is a (list of) string (or tuple of a single string), then each function should require just one series as input.
  • If series_names is a (list of) tuple of strings, then each function should require len(tuple) series as input.

A list implies that multiple multiple series (combinations) will be used to extract features from;

  • If series_names is a string or a tuple of strings, then function will be called only once for the series of this argument.
  • If series_names is a list of either strings or tuple of strings, then function will be called for each entry of this list.


when passing a list as series_names, all items in this list should have the same type, i.e, either

  • all a str
  • or, all a tuple with same length.

And perfectly match the func-input size.

windows : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]]
All the window sizes.
strides : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, None, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta]]], optional
All the strides. By default None.


The windows and strides argument should be either both numeric or pd.Timedelta (depending on de index datatype) - when strides is not None.

class FeatureCollection (feature_descriptors=None)
Expand source code
class FeatureCollection:
    """Create a FeatureCollection.

    feature_descriptors : Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection, List[Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection]]], optional
        Initial (list of) feature(s) to add to collection, by default None

    * The `series_name` property of the `FeatureDescriptor`s should **not withhold a "|"
      character**, since "|" is used to join the series names of features which use
      multiple series as input).<br>
        * `ACC|x` is **not** allowed as series name, as this is ambiguous and could
          represent that this feature is constructed with a combination of the `ACC`
          and `x` signal.<br>
          Note that `max|feat` is allowed as feature output name.
    * Both the `series_name` and `output_name` property of the `FeatureDescriptor`s
      **should not withhold "__"** in its string representations. This constraint is
      mainly made for readability purposes.

    The two statements above will be asserted


    def __init__(
        feature_descriptors: Optional[
                        FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection
        ] = None,
        # The feature collection is a dict with keys of type:
        #   tuple(tuple(str), float OR pd.timedelta)
        # The outer tuple's values correspond to (series_key(s), window)
        self._feature_desc_dict: Dict[
            Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Union[float, pd.Timedelta]], List[FeatureDescriptor]
        ] = {}

        if feature_descriptors:

    def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
        """Return all required series names for this feature collection.

        Return the list of series names that are required in order to calculate all the
        features (defined by the `FeatureDescriptor` objects) of this feature

            List of all the required series names.

        return list(
            set(flatten([fr_key[0] for fr_key in self._feature_desc_dict.keys()]))

    def get_nb_output_features(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of output features in this feature collection.

            The number of output features in this feature collection.

        fd_list: Iterable[FeatureDescriptor] = flatten(self._feature_desc_dict.values())
        return sum(fd.get_nb_output_features() for fd in fd_list)

    def _get_nb_output_features_without_window(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of output features in this feature collection, without
        using the window as a unique identifier.

        This is relevant for when the window value(s) are overridden by passing
        `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs` to the `calculate` method.

            The number of output features in this feature collection without using the
            window as a unique identifier.

        return len(
                (series, o)
                for (series, _), fd_list in self._feature_desc_dict.items()
                for fd in fd_list
                for o in fd.function.output_names

    def _get_nb_feat_funcs(self) -> int:
        return sum(map(len, self._feature_desc_dict.values()))

    def _get_collection_key(
        feature: FeatureDescriptor,
    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Union[pd.Timedelta, float, None]]:
        # Note: `window` property can be either a pd.Timedelta or a float or None
        # assert feature.window is not None
        return feature.series_name, feature.window

    def _check_feature_descriptors(
        skip_none: bool,
        calc_stride: Optional[Union[float, pd.Timedelta, None]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Verify whether all added FeatureDescriptors imply the same-input data type.

        If this condition is not met, a warning will be raised.

        skip_none: bool
            Whether to include None stride values in the checks.
        calc_stride: Union[float, pd.Timedelta, None], optional
            The `FeatureCollection.calculate` its stride argument, by default None.
            This stride takes precedence over a `FeatureDescriptor` its stride when
            it is not None.

        dtype_set = set()
        for series_names, win in self._feature_desc_dict.keys():
            for fd in self._feature_desc_dict[(series_names, win)]:
                stride = calc_stride if calc_stride is not None else fd.stride
                if skip_none and stride is None:
                        AttributeParser.determine_type([win] + to_list(stride))

        if len(dtype_set) > 1:
                "There are multiple FeatureDescriptor window-stride "
                + f"datatypes present in this FeatureCollection, i.e.: {dtype_set}",

    def _add_feature(self, feature: FeatureDescriptor) -> None:
        """Add a `FeatureDescriptor` instance to the collection.

        feature : FeatureDescriptor
            The feature that will be added to this feature collection.

        # Check whether the `|` is not present in the series
        assert not any("|" in s_name for s_name in feature.get_required_series())
        # Check whether the '__" is not present in the series and function output names
        assert not any(
            "__" in output_name for output_name in feature.function.output_names
        assert not any("__" in s_name for s_name in feature.get_required_series())

        series_win_stride_key = self._get_collection_key(feature)
        if series_win_stride_key in self._feature_desc_dict.keys():
            added_output_names = flatten(
                for f in self._feature_desc_dict[series_win_stride_key]
            # Check that not a feature with the same output_name(s) is already added
            # for the series_win_stride_key
            assert not any(
                output_name in added_output_names
                for output_name in feature.function.output_names
            self._feature_desc_dict[series_win_stride_key] = [feature]

    def add(
        features: Union[
                Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection]
    ) -> None:
        """Add feature(s) to the FeatureCollection.

        features : Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection, List[Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection]]]
            Feature(s) (containers) whose contained features will be added.

            Raised when an item within `features` is not an instance of
            [`MultipleFeatureDescriptors`, `FeatureDescriptors`, `FeatureCollection`].

        # Convert to list if necessary
        features = to_list(features)

        for feature in features:
            if isinstance(feature, MultipleFeatureDescriptors):
            elif isinstance(feature, FeatureDescriptor):
            elif isinstance(feature, FeatureCollection):
                # List needs to be flattened
                raise TypeError(f"type: {type(feature)} is not supported - {feature}")

        # After adding the features, check whether the descriptors are compatible

    def _executor_stroll(idx: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Executor function for the StridedRolling.apply_func method.

        Strided rolling feature calculation occurs when either;
        - a `window` and `stride` argument are stored in the `FeatureDescriptor` object
        - the `window` is stored in the `FeatureDescriptor` object and the `stride`
          argument is passed to the `calculate` method, potentially overriding the
        - segment indices are passed to the `calculate` method
        - a `group_by_consecutive` argument is passed to the `calculate` method (since
          we calculate the segment indices for the consecutive groups)

        This method uses the global `get_stroll_func` function, which returns the
        StridedRolling object and the function that needs to be applied to the
        StridedRolling object. Using a global function is necessary to facilitate
        # Uses the global get_stroll_func
        stroll, function = get_stroll_func(idx)
        return stroll.apply_func(function)  # execution time is logged in apply_func

    def _executor_grouped(idx: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Executor function for grouped feature calculation.

        Grouped feature calculation occurs when either;
        - a `group_by_all` argument is passed to the `calculate` method
        - a `DataFrameGroupBy` is passed as `data` argument to the `calculate` method

        Note that passing a `group_by_consecutive` argument to the `calculate` method
        will not use this executor function, but will use the `_executor_stroll` as
        executor function (since we calculate the segment indices for the consecutive

        This method uses the global `get_group_func` function, which returns a
        pd.DataFrame (containing only the necessary data for the function) and the
        function that needs to be applied to the pd.DataFrame. In addition, the global
        `group_indices` and `group_id_name` are used to access the grouped data and the
        group id name respectively. Using a global function is necessary to facilitate
        # Uses the global get_group_func, group_indices, and group_id_name
        data, function = get_group_func(idx)
        group_ids = group_indices.keys()  # group_ids are the keys of the group_indices
        cols_tuple = tuple(data.columns.values)

        t_start = time.perf_counter()

        # Wrap the function to handle multiple inputs and convert the inputs to numpy
        # array if necessary
        f = function
        if function.input_type is np.array:

            def f(x: pd.DataFrame) -> Any:
                # pass the inputs as positional arguments of numpy array type
                return function(*[x[c].values for c in cols_tuple])

        else:  # function.input_type is pd.Series

            def f(x: pd.DataFrame) -> Any:
                # pass the inputs as positional arguments of pd.Series type
                return function(*[x[c] for c in cols_tuple])

        # Function execution over the grouped data (accessed by using the group_indices)
        out = np.array(list(map(f, [data.iloc[idx] for idx in group_indices.values()])))

        # Aggregate function output in a dictionary
        output_names = [
                cols_tuple, feat_name, win_str="manual"
            for feat_name in function.output_names
        feat_out = _process_func_output(out, group_ids, output_names, str(function))

        # Log the function execution time
            t_start, function, cols_tuple, "manual", "manual", output_names

        return pd.DataFrame(feat_out, index=group_ids).rename_axis(index=group_id_name)

    def _stroll_feat_generator(
        series_dict: Dict[str, pd.Series],
        calc_stride: Union[List[Union[float, pd.Timedelta]], None],
        segment_start_idxs: Union[np.ndarray, None],
        segment_end_idxs: Union[np.ndarray, None],
        start_idx: Any,
        end_idx: Any,
        window_idx: str,
        include_final_window: bool,
        approve_sparsity: bool,
    ) -> Callable[[int], Tuple[StridedRolling, FuncWrapper]]:
        # --- Future work ---
        # We could also make the StridedRolling creation multithreaded
        # Very low priority because the STROLL __init__ is rather efficient!
        keys_wins_strides = list(self._feature_desc_dict.keys())
        lengths = np.cumsum(
            [len(self._feature_desc_dict[k]) for k in keys_wins_strides]

        def get_stroll_function(idx: int) -> Tuple[StridedRolling, FuncWrapper]:
            key_idx = np.searchsorted(lengths, idx, "right")  # right bc idx starts at 0
            key, win = keys_wins_strides[key_idx]

            feature = self._feature_desc_dict[keys_wins_strides[key_idx]][
                idx - lengths[key_idx]
            stride = feature.stride if calc_stride is None else calc_stride
            function: FuncWrapper = feature.function
            # The factory method will instantiate the right StridedRolling object
            stroll_arg_dict = dict(
                data=[series_dict[k] for k in key],
            stroll = StridedRollingFactory.get_segmenter(**stroll_arg_dict)
            return stroll, function

        return get_stroll_function

    def _group_feat_generator(
        grouped_df: pd.api.typing.DataFrameGroupBy,
    ) -> Callable[[int], Tuple[pd.api.typing.DataFrameGroupBy, FuncWrapper,],]:
        """Return a function that returns the necessary columns of the grouped data and
        the function that needs to be applied to the grouped data.

        Note that the function does not return groups, but rather the necessary columns
        of the grouped data (i.e. the data on which the function needs to be applied).
        To access the groups, the global `group_indices` and `group_id_name` are used.
        keys_wins = list(self._feature_desc_dict.keys())
        lengths = np.cumsum([len(self._feature_desc_dict[k]) for k in keys_wins])

        def get_group_function(
            idx: int,
        ) -> Tuple[pd.api.typing.DataFrameGroupBy, FuncWrapper,]:
            key_idx = np.searchsorted(lengths, idx, "right")  # right bc idx starts at 0
            key, win = keys_wins[key_idx]

            feature = self._feature_desc_dict[keys_wins[key_idx]][
                idx - lengths[key_idx]
            function: FuncWrapper = feature.function
            return grouped_df.obj[list(key)], function

        return get_group_function

    def _check_no_multiple_windows(self, error_case: str) -> None:
        """Check whether there are no multiple windows in the feature collection.

        error_case : str
            The case in which no multiple windows are allowed.

        assert (
            == self.get_nb_output_features()
        ), (
            + "; each output name - series_input combination can only have 1 window"
            + " (or None)"

    def _data_to_series_dict(
        data: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]],
        required_series: List[str],
    ) -> Dict[str, pd.Series]:
        series_dict: Dict[str, pd.Series] = {}
        for s in to_series_list(data):
            if not s.index.is_monotonic_increasing:
                    f"The index of series '{}' is not monotonic increasing. "
                    + "The series will be sorted by the index.",
                s = s.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=False, ignore_index=False)

            # Assert the assumptions we make!
            assert s.index.is_monotonic_increasing

            if in required_series:
                series_dict[str(] = s

        return series_dict

    def _process_segment_idxs(
        segment_idxs: Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index]
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        if hasattr(segment_idxs, "values"):
            segment_idxs = segment_idxs.values
        segment_idxs = np.asarray(segment_idxs)
        if segment_idxs.ndim > 1:
            segment_idxs = segment_idxs.squeeze()  # remove singleton dimensions
        return segment_idxs

    def _group_by_all(
        series_dict: Dict[str, pd.Series], col_name: str
    ) -> pd.api.typing.DataFrameGroupBy:
        """Group all `column_name` values and return the grouped data.

        GroupBy ignores all rows with NaN values for the column on which we group.

        series_dict : Dict[str, pd.Series]
            Input data.
        col_name : str
            The column name on which the grouping will need to take place.

            A `DataFrameGroupBy` object, with the group names as keys and the indices
            as values.

        df = pd.DataFrame(series_dict)
        assert col_name in df.columns

        # Check if there are nan values in the column on which we group
        if df[col_name].isna().any():
                f"NaN values were found in the column '{col_name}' (when expanding the "
                + f"data to a pd.DataFrame which contains {df.columns}. "
                + "Rows with NaN values for the grouping column will be ignored.",

        # GroupBy ignores all rows with NaN values for the column on which we group
        return df.groupby(col_name)

    def _calculate_group_by_all(
        grouped_data: pd.api.typing.DataFrameGroupBy,
        return_df: bool,
        show_progress: bool,
        n_jobs: Optional[int],
        f_handler: Optional[logging.FileHandler],
    ) -> Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]:
        """Calculate features on each group of the grouped data.

        grouped_data : pd.api.typing.DataFrameGroupBy
            The grouped data.
        return_df: bool, optional
            Whether the output needs to be a DataFrame or a list thereof.
        show_progress: bool, optional
            Whether to show a progress bar.
        n_jobs: int, optional
            The number of jobs to run in parallel.
        f_handler: logging.FileHandler, optional
            The file handler that is used to log the function execution times.

        .. Note::
            Is comparable to following pseudo-SQL code:
            SELECT func(x)
            FROM `data`
            GROUP BY ...
            where `func` is the FeatureDescriptor function and `x` is the name
            on which the FeatureDescriptor operates. The group by is already done by
            passing a `DataFrameGroupBy` object to this method.
        global group_indices, group_id_name, get_group_func
        group_indices = grouped_data.indices  # dict - group_id as key; indices as value
        # since in future versions of pandas grouper will be deprecated
        group_attr = "_grouper" if hasattr(grouped_data, "_grouper") else "grouper"
        group_id_name = getattr(grouped_data, group_attr).names  # name of group col(s)
        get_group_func = self._group_feat_generator(grouped_data)

        # sort_output_index can be set to False, since we want to keep the same order as
        # the group_indices
        return self._calculate_feature_list(
            self._executor_grouped, n_jobs, show_progress, return_df, False, f_handler

    def _group_by_consecutive(
        df: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], col_name: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Group consecutive `col_name` values in a single DataFrame.

        This is especially useful if you want to represent sparse data in a more
        compact format.

        df : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]
            Input data.
        col_name : str, optional
            If a dataFrame is passed, you will need to specify the `col_name` on which
            the consecutive-grouping will need to take place.

            A new `DataFrame` view, with columns:
            [`start`, `end`, `col_name`], representing the
            start- and endtime of the consecutive range, and the col_name's consecutive
        if type(df) == pd.Series:
            col_name =
            df = df.to_frame()

        assert col_name in df.columns
        assert col_name not in [
        ], "Grouping column cannot be 'start' or 'end'"

        # Check if there are nan values in the column on which we group
        if df[col_name].isna().any():
                f"NaN values were found in the column '{col_name}' (when expanding the "
                + f"data to a pd.DataFrame which contains {df.columns}. "
                + "Rows with NaN values for the grouping column will be ignored.",

        # Drop all rows with NaN values for the column on which we group
        df.dropna(subset=[col_name], inplace=True)

        df_cum = (
            (df[col_name] != df[col_name].shift(1))
        df_cum["sequence_idx"] = df.index
        df_cum[col_name] = df[col_name]

        df_cum_grouped = df_cum.groupby("value_grp")
        df_grouped = pd.DataFrame(
                "start": df_cum_grouped["sequence_idx"].first(),
                "end": df_cum_grouped["sequence_idx"].last(),
                col_name: df_cum_grouped[col_name].first(),

        return df_grouped

    def _calculate_group_by_consecutive(  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
        data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]],
        group_by: str,
        return_df: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]:
        """Calculate features on each consecutive group of the data.

        data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]
            Must be time-indexed!
        group_by: str
            Name of column by which to group values.
        return_df: bool, optional
            Whether the output needs to be a DataFrame or a list thereof, by default
            False. If `True` the output dataframes will be merged to a DataFrame with an
            outer merge.
            Keyword arguments that will be passed to the `calculate` method.

        .. Note::
            Is comparable to following pseudo-SQL code:
            SELECT func(x)
            FROM `data`
            GROUP BY `group_by`
            where `func` is the FeatureDescriptor function and `x` is the name
            on which the FeatureDescriptor operates. Note however that the grouping is
            done on consecutive values of `group_by` (i.e. `group_by` values that are
            the same and are next to each other are grouped together).
        # 0. Transform to dataframe
        series_dict = FeatureCollection._data_to_series_dict(
            data, self.get_required_series() + [group_by]
        df = pd.DataFrame(series_dict)
        # 1. Group by `group_by` column
        consecutive_grouped_by_df = self._group_by_consecutive(df, col_name=group_by)
        # 2. Get start and end idxs of consecutive groups
        start_segment_idxs = consecutive_grouped_by_df["start"]
        end_segment_idxs = start_segment_idxs.shift(-1)
        # fill the nan value with the last end idx
        end_segment_idxs.iloc[-1] = consecutive_grouped_by_df["end"].iloc[-1]
        # because segment end idxs are exclusive, we need to add an offset to the last
        # end idx so that all data gets used
        segment_vals = end_segment_idxs.values
        if is_datetime64_any_dtype(segment_vals):
            segment_vals[-1] += pd.Timedelta(days=1)
            segment_vals[-1] += 1
        # 3. Calculate features
            # Filter out the warnings that are raised when segment indices are passed
            # (since users expect irregular window sizes when grouping)
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    "ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message="^.*segment indexes.*$"
                    "ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message="^.*gaps.*$"
                # 3.1. Calculate features using the groupby segment idxs
                calc_results = self.calculate(

            # 3.2 Concatenate results and add the group_by column as well as the
            # start and end idxs of the segments
            calc_result = pd.concat(calc_results, join="outer", copy=False, axis=1)
            calc_result.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
            calc_result[group_by] = consecutive_grouped_by_df[group_by]
            calc_result["__start"] = consecutive_grouped_by_df["start"]
            calc_result["__end"] = consecutive_grouped_by_df["end"]

            if return_df:
                return calc_result
                return [calc_result[col] for col in calc_result.columns]

        except Exception as e:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"An exception was raised during feature extraction:\n{e}"

    def _process_njobs(n_jobs: Union[int, None], nb_funcs: int) -> int:
        """Process the number of jobs to run in parallel.

        On Windows no multiprocessing is supported, see

        n_jobs : Union[int, None]
            The number of jobs to run in parallel.
        nb_funcs : int
            The number of feature functions.

            The number of jobs to run in parallel.

        if == "nt":  # On Windows no multiprocessing is supported
            n_jobs = 1
            n_jobs = parse_n_jobs(n_jobs)
        return min(n_jobs, nb_funcs)

    def _calculate_feature_list(
        executor: Callable[[int], pd.DataFrame],
        n_jobs: Union[int, None],
        show_progress: bool,
        return_df: bool,
        sort_output_index: bool,
        f_handler: Optional[logging.FileHandler],
    ) -> Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]:
        """Calculate the features for the given executor.

        executor : Callable[[int], pd.DataFrame]
            The executor function that will be used to calculate the features.
        n_jobs : Union[int, None]
            The number of jobs to run in parallel.
        show_progress : bool
            Whether to show a progress bar.
        return_df : bool
            Whether to return a DataFrame or a list of DataFrames.
        sort_output_index : bool
            Whether to sort the output index. Note that this is only relevant when
            `return_df` is set to `True`.
        f_handler : logging.FileHandler
            The file handler that is used to log the function execution times.

        Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]
            The calculated features.

        nb_feat_funcs = self._get_nb_feat_funcs()
        n_jobs = FeatureCollection._process_njobs(n_jobs, nb_feat_funcs)

        calculated_feature_list: Optional[List[pd.DataFrame]] = None

        if n_jobs in [0, 1]:
            # No multiprocessing
            idxs = range(nb_feat_funcs)
            if show_progress:
                idxs = tqdm(idxs)
                calculated_feature_list = [executor(idx) for idx in idxs]
            except Exception:
            # Multiprocessing
            with Pool(processes=n_jobs) as pool:
                results = pool.imap_unordered(executor, range(nb_feat_funcs))
                if show_progress:
                    results = tqdm(results, total=nb_feat_funcs)
                    calculated_feature_list = [f for f in results]
                except Exception:
                    # Close & join because:

        # Close the file handler (this avoids PermissionError: [WinError 32])
        if f_handler is not None:

        if calculated_feature_list is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Feature Extraction halted due to error while extracting one "
                + "(or multiple) feature(s)! See stack trace above."

        if return_df:
            # Concatenate & sort the columns
            df = pd.concat(
            return df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)
            return calculated_feature_list

    def calculate(
        data: Union[
            List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]],
        stride: Optional[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List, None]] = None,
        segment_start_idxs: Optional[
            Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index]
        ] = None,
        segment_end_idxs: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index]] = None,
        return_df: bool = False,
        window_idx: str = "end",
        include_final_window: bool = False,
        group_by_all: Optional[str] = None,  # TODO: support multiple columns
        group_by_consecutive: Optional[str] = None,  # TODO: support multiple columns
        bound_method: str = "inner",
        approve_sparsity: bool = False,
        show_progress: bool = False,
        logging_file_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
        n_jobs: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]:
        """Calculate features on the passed data.

        data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby]
            Dataframe or Series or list thereof, with all the required data for the
            feature calculation. \n
            **Assumptions**: \n
            * each Series / DataFrame must have a sortable index. This index represents
            the sequence position of the corresponding values, the index can be either
            numeric or a ``pd.DatetimeIndex``.
            * each Series / DataFrame index must be comparable with all others
            * we assume that each series-name / dataframe-column-name is unique.
            Can also be a `DataFrameGroupBy` object, in which case the expected
            behaviour is similar to grouping by all values in `group_by_all` (i.e.,
            for each group, the features are calculated on the group's data).
        stride: Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], None], optional
            The stride size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
            * If None, the stride of the `FeatureDescriptor` objects will be used.
            * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series:\n
                - its stride **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
                - the stride in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series
                is passed (must then be and `int`)
            * If the stride's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the stride size represents
            the stride-time delta. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
            * If a `str`, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. Hence, the
            **passed data must have a time-index**. \n
            .. Note::
                When set, this stride argument takes precedence over the stride property
                of the `FeatureDescriptor`s in this `FeatureCollection` (i.e., when a
                not None value for `stride` passed to this method).
        segment_start_idxs: Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index], optional
            The start indices of the segments. If None, the start indices will be
            computed from the data using either:\n
            - the `segment_end_idxs` - the `window` size property of the
                `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_end_idxs`
                is not None)
            - strided-window rolling on the data using `window` and `stride` of the
                `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_end_idxs`
                 is also None). (Note that the `stride` argument of this method takes
                 precedence over the `stride` property of the `FeatureDescriptor`s).
            By default None.
        segment_end_idxs: Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index], optional
            The end indices for the segmented windows. If None, the end indices will be
            computed from the data using either:\n
            - the `segment_start_idxs` + the `window` size property of the
                `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_start_idxs`
                is not None)
            - strided-window rolling on the data using `window` and `stride` of the
                `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_start_idxs`
                 is also None). (Note that the `stride` argument of this method takes
                 precedence over the `stride` property of the `FeatureDescriptor`s).
            By default None.

                When passing both `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs`, these two
                arguments must have the same length and every start index must be <=
                than the corresponding end index.
                Note that passing both arguments, discards any meaning of the `window`
                and `stride` values (as these segment indices define the segmented data,
                and thus no strided-window rolling index calculation has to be executed).
                As such, the user can create variable-length segmented windows. However,
                in such cases, the user should be weary that the feature functions are
                invariant to these (potentially variable-length) windows.
        return_df : bool, optional
            Whether the output needs to be a DataFrame or a list thereof, by default
            False. If `True` the output dataframes will be merged to a DataFrame with an
            outer merge.
        window_idx : str, optional
            The window's index position which will be used as index for the
            feature_window aggregation. Must be either of: `["begin", "middle", "end"]`.
            by **default "end"**. All features in this collection will use the same

                `window_idx`="end" uses the window's end (= right open bound) as
                output index. \n
                `window_idx`="begin" uses the window's start idx (= left closed bound)
                as output index.
        include_final_window : bool, optional
            Whether the final (possibly incomplete) window should be included in the
            strided-window segmentation, by default False.

            .. Note::
                The remarks below apply when `include_final_window` is set to True.
                The user should be aware that the last window *might* be incomplete,

                - when equally sampled, the last window *might* be smaller than the
                  the other windows.
                - when not equally sampled, the last window *might* not include all the
                  data points (as the begin-time + window-size comes after the last data

                Note, that when equally sampled, the last window *will* be a full window

                - the stride is the sampling rate of the data (or stride = 1 for
                sample-based configurations).<br>
                **Remark**: that when `include_final_window` is set to False, the last
                window (which is a full) window will not be included!
                - *(len * sampling_rate - window_size) % stride = 0*. Remark that the
                  above case is a base case of this.
        group_by_all : str, optional
            The name of the column by which to perform grouping. For each group, the
            features will be calculated. The output that is returned contains this
            `group_by` column as index to allow identifying the groups.
            If this parameter is used, the parameters `stride`, `segment_start_idxs`,
            `segment_end_idxs`, `window_idx` and `include_final_window` will be ignored.
            Rows with NaN values for this column will not be considered (as pandas
            ignores these rows when grouping).
            .. note::
                This is similar as passing a `DataFrameGroupBy` object as `data`
                argument to the `calculate` method, where the `DataFrameGroupBy` object
                is created by calling `data.groupby(group_by_all)`.
        group_by_consecutive: str, optional
            The name of the column by which to perform consecutive grouping. A
            consecutive group is a group of values that are the same and are next to
            each other. For each consecutive group, the features will be calculated.
            The output that is returned contains this `group_by` column to allow
            identifying the groups, and also contains fields [`__start`, "__end"] which
            contain start and end time range for each result row.
            If this parameter is used, the parameters `stride`, `segment_start_idxs`,
            `segment_end_idxs`, `window_idx` and `include_final_window` will be ignored.
            Rows with NaN values for this column will not be considered (as we deem NaN
            not as a groupable value).
            Note that for consecutive grouping, groups can appear multiple times if they
            appear in different time-gaps.

            Example output:
            .. example::
                    number_sold__sum__w=manual  store    __start      __end
                0          845                  0     2019-01-01 2019-01-01
                1          357                  3     2019-01-02 2019-01-02
                2          904                  6     2019-01-03 2019-01-03
                3          599                  3     2019-01-04 2019-01-05
                4          871                  0     2019-01-06 2019-01-06
                ...                           ...    ...        ...        ...
        bound_method: str, optional
            The start-end bound methodology which is used to generate the slice ranges
            when ``data`` consists of multiple series / columns.
            Must be either of: `["inner", "inner-outer", "outer"]`, by default "inner".

            * if ``inner``, the inner-bounds of the series are returned.
            * if ``inner-outer``, the left-inner and right-outer bounds of the series
              are returned.
            * if ``outer``, the outer-bounds of the series are returned.
        approve_sparsity: bool, optional
            Bool indicating whether the user acknowledges that there may be sparsity
            (i.e., irregularly sampled data), by default False.
            If False and sparsity is observed, a warning is raised.
        show_progress: bool, optional
            If True, the progress will be shown with a progressbar, by default False.
        logging_file_path : Union[str, Path], optional
            The file path where the logged messages are stored. If `None`, then no
            logging `FileHandler` will be used and the logging messages are only pushed
            to stdout. Otherwise, a logging `FileHandler` will write the logged messages
            to the given file path. See also the `tsflex.features.logger` module.
        n_jobs : int, optional
            The number of processes used for the feature calculation. If `None`, then
            the number returned by _os.cpu_count()_ is used, by default None. \n
            If n_jobs is either 0 or 1, the code will be executed sequentially without
            creating a process pool. This is very useful when debugging, as the stack
            trace will be more comprehensible.
            .. note::
                Multiprocessed execution is not supported on Windows. Even when,
                `n_jobs` is set > 1, the feature extraction will still be executed
                Why do we not support multiprocessing on Windows; see this issue

            .. tip::
                It takes on avg. _300ms_ to schedule everything with
                multiprocessing. So if your sequential feature extraction code runs
                faster than ~1s, it might not be worth it to parallelize the process
                (and thus better leave `n_jobs` to 0 or 1).

        Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]
            The calculated features.

            Raised when a required key is not found in `data`.

        * The (column-)names of the series in `data` represent the `series_names`.
        * If a `logging_file_path` is provided, the execution (time) info can be
          retrieved by calling `logger.get_feature_logs(logging_file_path)`.
          Be aware that the `logging_file_path` gets cleared before the logger pushes
          logged messages. Hence, one should use a separate logging file for each
          constructed processing and feature instance with this library.


        # Check valid data
        if isinstance(data, list):
            assert all(
                isinstance(d, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)) for d in data
            ), "All elements of the data list must be either a Series or a DataFrame!"
            assert isinstance(
                data, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy)
            ), "The data must be either a Series, a DataFrame or a DataFrameGroupBy!"

        # check valid group_by
        assert group_by_all is None or group_by_consecutive is None, (
            "Only max one of the following parameters can be set: "
            + "`group_by_all` or `group_by_consecutive`"
        assert not (
            (group_by_all is not None or group_by_consecutive is not None)
            and isinstance(data, pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy)
        ), (
            "Cannot use `group_by_all` or `group_by_consecutive` when `data` is"
            + " already a grouped DataFrame!"

        # Delete other logging handlers
        # Add logging handler (if path provided)
        f_handler = None
        if logging_file_path:
            f_handler = add_logging_handler(logger, logging_file_path)

        if (
            or group_by_consecutive
            or isinstance(data, pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy)
                error_case="When using the groupby behavior"

            # The grouping column must be part of the required series
            if group_by_all:
                # group_by_consecutive should be None (checked by asserts above)
                # data should not be a grouped DataFrame (checked by asserts above)
                assert (
                    group_by_all not in self.get_required_series()
                ), "The `group_by_all` column cannot be part of the required series!"
            elif group_by_consecutive:
                # group_by_all should be None (checked by asserts above)
                # data should not be a grouped DataFrame (checked by asserts above)
                assert group_by_consecutive not in self.get_required_series(), (
                    "The `group_by_consecutive` column cannot be part of the required "
                    + "series!"
                # __start and __end should not be part of the output names
                assert "__start" not in self.get_required_series()
                assert "__end" not in self.get_required_series()

            # if any of the following params are not None, warn that they won't be of use
            # in the grouped calculation
            ignored_params = [
                ("stride", None),
                ("segment_start_idxs", None),
                ("segment_end_idxs", None),
                ("window_idx", "end"),
                ("include_final_window", False),
            local_params = locals()

            for ip, default_value in ignored_params:
                if local_params[ip] is not default_value:
                        f"Parameter `{ip}` will be ignored in case of GroupBy feature"
                        + " calculation."

            if group_by_consecutive:
                # Strided rollling feature extraction will take place
                return self._calculate_group_by_consecutive(
                # Grouped feature extraction will take place
                if not isinstance(data, pd.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy):
                    # group_by_all should not be None (checked by asserts above)
                    assert group_by_all is not None
                    # 0. Transform to dataframe
                    series_dict = FeatureCollection._data_to_series_dict(
                        data, self.get_required_series() + [group_by_all]
                    # 1. Group by `group_by_all` column
                    data = self._group_by_all(series_dict, col_name=group_by_all)

                return self._calculate_group_by_all(
                    data,  # should be a DataFrameGroupBy

        # Sort output index if segment indices are not provided
        sort_output_index = segment_start_idxs is None and segment_end_idxs is None

        # Convert to numpy array (if necessary)
        if segment_start_idxs is not None:
            segment_start_idxs = FeatureCollection._process_segment_idxs(
        if segment_end_idxs is not None:
            segment_end_idxs = FeatureCollection._process_segment_idxs(segment_end_idxs)

        if segment_start_idxs is not None and segment_end_idxs is not None:
            # Check if segment indices have same length and whether every start idx
            # <= end idx
            _check_start_end_array(segment_start_idxs, segment_end_idxs)
            # Check if there is either 1 or No(ne) window value for every output name -
            # input_series combination
                error_case="When using both `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs`"

        if segment_start_idxs is None or segment_end_idxs is None:
            assert all(
                fd.window is not None
                for fd in flatten(self._feature_desc_dict.values())
            ), (
                "Each feature descriptor must have a window when not both "
                + "segment_start_idxs and segment_end_idxs are provided"

        if stride is None and segment_start_idxs is None and segment_end_idxs is None:
            assert all(
                fd.stride is not None
                for fd in flatten(self._feature_desc_dict.values())
            ), (
                "Each feature descriptor must have a stride when no stride or "
                + "segment indices are passed to this method!"
        elif stride is not None and (
            segment_start_idxs is not None or segment_end_idxs is not None
            raise ValueError(
                "The stride and any segment index argument cannot be set together! "
                + "At least one of both should be None."

        if stride is not None:
            # Verify whether the stride complies with the input data dtype
            stride = [
                parse_time_arg(s) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in to_list(stride)
            self._check_feature_descriptors(skip_none=False, calc_stride=stride)

        # Convert the data to a series_dict
        series_dict = FeatureCollection._data_to_series_dict(
            data, self.get_required_series()

        # Determine the bounds of the series dict items and slice on them
        # TODO: is dit wel nodig `hier? want we doen dat ook in de strided rolling
        start, end = _determine_bounds(bound_method, list(series_dict.values()))
        series_dict = {
            n: s.loc[
                s.index.dtype.type(start) : s.index.dtype.type(end)
            ]  # TODO: check memory efficiency of ths
            for n, s, in series_dict.items()

        # Note: this variable has a global scope so this is shared in multiprocessing
        # TODO: try to make this more efficient (but is not really the bottleneck)
        global get_stroll_func
        get_stroll_func = self._stroll_feat_generator(

        return self._calculate_feature_list(

    def serialize(self, file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
        """Serialize this FeatureCollection instance.

        file_path : Union[str, Path]
            The path where the `FeatureCollection` will be serialized.

        As we use [Dill]({:target="_blank"} to
        serialize the files, we can **also serialize functions which are defined in
        the local scope, like lambdas.**

        with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
            dill.dump(self, f, recurse=True)

    def reduce(self, feat_cols_to_keep: List[str]) -> FeatureCollection:
        """Create a reduced FeatureCollection instance based on `feat_cols_to_keep`.

        For example, this is useful to optimize feature-extraction inference
        (for your selected features) after performing a feature-selection procedure.

        feat_cols_to_keep: List[str]
            A subset of the feature collection instance its column names.
            This corresponds to the columns / names of the output from `calculate`
            method that you want to keep.

            A new FeatureCollection object, which only withholds the FeatureDescriptors
            which constitute the `feat_cols_to_keep` output.

        Some FeatureDescriptor objects may have multiple **output-names**.<br>
        Hence, if you only want to retain _a subset_ of that FeatureDescriptor its
        feature outputs, you will still get **all features** as the new
        FeatureCollection is constructed by applying a filter on de FeatureDescriptor
        list and we thus not alter these FeatureDescriptor objects themselves.

        # dict in which we store all the { output_col_name : (UUID, FeatureDescriptor) }
        # items of our current FeatureCollection object
        manual_window = False
        if any(c.endswith("w=manual") for c in feat_cols_to_keep):
            assert all(c.endswith("w=manual") for c in feat_cols_to_keep)
            # As the windows are created manual, the FeatureCollection cannot contain
            # multiple windows for the same output name - input_series combination
                error_case="When reducing a FeatureCollection with manual windows"
            manual_window = True
        feat_col_fd_mapping: Dict[str, Tuple[str, FeatureDescriptor]] = {}
        for (s_names, window), fd_list in self._feature_desc_dict.items():
            window = "manual" if manual_window else self._ws_to_str(window)
            for fd in fd_list:
                # As a single FeatureDescriptor can have multiple output col names, we
                # create a unique identifier for each FeatureDescriptor (on which we
                # will apply set-like operations later on to only retain all the unique
                # FeatureDescriptors)
                uuid_str = str(uuid.uuid4())
                for output_name in fd.function.output_names:
                    # Reconstruct the feature column name
                    feat_col_name = StridedRolling.construct_output_index(
                        series_keys=s_names, feat_name=output_name, win_str=window
                    feat_col_fd_mapping[feat_col_name] = (uuid_str, fd)

        assert all(fc in feat_col_fd_mapping for fc in feat_cols_to_keep)

        # Collect (uuid, FeatureDescriptor) for the feat_cols_to_keep
        fd_subset: List[Tuple[str, FeatureDescriptor]] = [
            feat_col_fd_mapping[fc] for fc in feat_cols_to_keep

        # Reduce to unique feature descriptor objects (based on uuid) and create a new
        # FeatureCollection for their deepcopy's.
        seen_uuids = set()
        fds = []
        for uuid_str, fd in fd_subset:
            if uuid_str not in seen_uuids:

        return FeatureCollection(feature_descriptors=fds)

    def _ws_to_str(window_or_stride: Any) -> str:
        """Convert the window/stride value to a (shortend) string representation."""
        if isinstance(window_or_stride, pd.Timedelta):
            return timedelta_to_str(window_or_stride)
            return str(window_or_stride)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Representation string of a FeatureCollection."""
        feature_keys = sorted(set(k[0] for k in self._feature_desc_dict.keys()))
        output_str = ""
        for feature_key in feature_keys:
            output_str += f"{'|'.join(feature_key)}: ("
            keys = (x for x in self._feature_desc_dict.keys() if x[0] == feature_key)
            for _, win_size in keys:
                output_str += "\n\twin: "
                win_str = self._ws_to_str(win_size)
                output_str += f"{win_str:<6}: ["
                for feat_desc in self._feature_desc_dict[feature_key, win_size]:
                    stride_str = feat_desc.stride
                    if stride_str is not None:
                        stride_str = [self._ws_to_str(s) for s in stride_str]
                    output_str += f"\n\t\t{feat_desc._func_str}"
                    output_str += f"    stride: {stride_str},"
                output_str += "\n\t]"
            output_str += "\n)\n"
        return output_str

Create a FeatureCollection.


feature_descriptors : Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection, List[Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection]]], optional
Initial (list of) feature(s) to add to collection, by default None


  • The series_name property of the FeatureDescriptors should not withhold a "|" character, since "|" is used to join the series names of features which use multiple series as input).
    • ACC|x is not allowed as series name, as this is ambiguous and could represent that this feature is constructed with a combination of the ACC and x signal.
      Note that max|feat is allowed as feature output name.
  • Both the series_name and output_name property of the FeatureDescriptors should not withhold "__" in its string representations. This constraint is mainly made for readability purposes.

The two statements above will be asserted


def get_required_series(self)
Expand source code
def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
    """Return all required series names for this feature collection.

    Return the list of series names that are required in order to calculate all the
    features (defined by the `FeatureDescriptor` objects) of this feature

        List of all the required series names.

    return list(
        set(flatten([fr_key[0] for fr_key in self._feature_desc_dict.keys()]))

Return all required series names for this feature collection.

Return the list of series names that are required in order to calculate all the features (defined by the FeatureDescriptor objects) of this feature collection.


List of all the required series names.
def get_nb_output_features(self)
Expand source code
def get_nb_output_features(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of output features in this feature collection.

        The number of output features in this feature collection.

    fd_list: Iterable[FeatureDescriptor] = flatten(self._feature_desc_dict.values())
    return sum(fd.get_nb_output_features() for fd in fd_list)

Return the number of output features in this feature collection.


The number of output features in this feature collection.
def add(self, features)
Expand source code
def add(
    features: Union[
            Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection]
) -> None:
    """Add feature(s) to the FeatureCollection.

    features : Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection, List[Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection]]]
        Feature(s) (containers) whose contained features will be added.

        Raised when an item within `features` is not an instance of
        [`MultipleFeatureDescriptors`, `FeatureDescriptors`, `FeatureCollection`].

    # Convert to list if necessary
    features = to_list(features)

    for feature in features:
        if isinstance(feature, MultipleFeatureDescriptors):
        elif isinstance(feature, FeatureDescriptor):
        elif isinstance(feature, FeatureCollection):
            # List needs to be flattened
            raise TypeError(f"type: {type(feature)} is not supported - {feature}")

    # After adding the features, check whether the descriptors are compatible

Add feature(s) to the FeatureCollection.


features : Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection, List[Union[FeatureDescriptor, MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection]]]
Feature(s) (containers) whose contained features will be added.


Raised when an item within features is not an instance of [MultipleFeatureDescriptors, FeatureDescriptors, FeatureCollection].
def calculate(self, data, stride=None, segment_start_idxs=None, segment_end_idxs=None, return_df=False, window_idx='end', include_final_window=False, group_by_all=None, group_by_consecutive=None, bound_method='inner', approve_sparsity=False, show_progress=False, logging_file_path=None, n_jobs=None)
Expand source code
def calculate(
    data: Union[
        List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]],
    stride: Optional[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List, None]] = None,
    segment_start_idxs: Optional[
        Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index]
    ] = None,
    segment_end_idxs: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index]] = None,
    return_df: bool = False,
    window_idx: str = "end",
    include_final_window: bool = False,
    group_by_all: Optional[str] = None,  # TODO: support multiple columns
    group_by_consecutive: Optional[str] = None,  # TODO: support multiple columns
    bound_method: str = "inner",
    approve_sparsity: bool = False,
    show_progress: bool = False,
    logging_file_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
    n_jobs: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]:
    """Calculate features on the passed data.

    data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby]
        Dataframe or Series or list thereof, with all the required data for the
        feature calculation. \n
        **Assumptions**: \n
        * each Series / DataFrame must have a sortable index. This index represents
        the sequence position of the corresponding values, the index can be either
        numeric or a ``pd.DatetimeIndex``.
        * each Series / DataFrame index must be comparable with all others
        * we assume that each series-name / dataframe-column-name is unique.
        Can also be a `DataFrameGroupBy` object, in which case the expected
        behaviour is similar to grouping by all values in `group_by_all` (i.e.,
        for each group, the features are calculated on the group's data).
    stride: Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], None], optional
        The stride size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types: \n
        * If None, the stride of the `FeatureDescriptor` objects will be used.
        * If the type is an `float` or an `int`, its value represents the series:\n
            - its stride **range** when a **non time-indexed** series is passed.
            - the stride in **number of samples**, when a **time-indexed** series
            is passed (must then be and `int`)
        * If the stride's type is a `pd.Timedelta`, the stride size represents
        the stride-time delta. The passed data **must have a time-index**.
        * If a `str`, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. Hence, the
        **passed data must have a time-index**. \n
        .. Note::
            When set, this stride argument takes precedence over the stride property
            of the `FeatureDescriptor`s in this `FeatureCollection` (i.e., when a
            not None value for `stride` passed to this method).
    segment_start_idxs: Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index], optional
        The start indices of the segments. If None, the start indices will be
        computed from the data using either:\n
        - the `segment_end_idxs` - the `window` size property of the
            `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_end_idxs`
            is not None)
        - strided-window rolling on the data using `window` and `stride` of the
            `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_end_idxs`
             is also None). (Note that the `stride` argument of this method takes
             precedence over the `stride` property of the `FeatureDescriptor`s).
        By default None.
    segment_end_idxs: Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index], optional
        The end indices for the segmented windows. If None, the end indices will be
        computed from the data using either:\n
        - the `segment_start_idxs` + the `window` size property of the
            `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_start_idxs`
            is not None)
        - strided-window rolling on the data using `window` and `stride` of the
            `FeatureDescriptor` in this `FeatureCollection` (if `segment_start_idxs`
             is also None). (Note that the `stride` argument of this method takes
             precedence over the `stride` property of the `FeatureDescriptor`s).
        By default None.

            When passing both `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs`, these two
            arguments must have the same length and every start index must be <=
            than the corresponding end index.
            Note that passing both arguments, discards any meaning of the `window`
            and `stride` values (as these segment indices define the segmented data,
            and thus no strided-window rolling index calculation has to be executed).
            As such, the user can create variable-length segmented windows. However,
            in such cases, the user should be weary that the feature functions are
            invariant to these (potentially variable-length) windows.
    return_df : bool, optional
        Whether the output needs to be a DataFrame or a list thereof, by default
        False. If `True` the output dataframes will be merged to a DataFrame with an
        outer merge.
    window_idx : str, optional
        The window's index position which will be used as index for the
        feature_window aggregation. Must be either of: `["begin", "middle", "end"]`.
        by **default "end"**. All features in this collection will use the same

            `window_idx`="end" uses the window's end (= right open bound) as
            output index. \n
            `window_idx`="begin" uses the window's start idx (= left closed bound)
            as output index.
    include_final_window : bool, optional
        Whether the final (possibly incomplete) window should be included in the
        strided-window segmentation, by default False.

        .. Note::
            The remarks below apply when `include_final_window` is set to True.
            The user should be aware that the last window *might* be incomplete,

            - when equally sampled, the last window *might* be smaller than the
              the other windows.
            - when not equally sampled, the last window *might* not include all the
              data points (as the begin-time + window-size comes after the last data

            Note, that when equally sampled, the last window *will* be a full window

            - the stride is the sampling rate of the data (or stride = 1 for
            sample-based configurations).<br>
            **Remark**: that when `include_final_window` is set to False, the last
            window (which is a full) window will not be included!
            - *(len * sampling_rate - window_size) % stride = 0*. Remark that the
              above case is a base case of this.
    group_by_all : str, optional
        The name of the column by which to perform grouping. For each group, the
        features will be calculated. The output that is returned contains this
        `group_by` column as index to allow identifying the groups.
        If this parameter is used, the parameters `stride`, `segment_start_idxs`,
        `segment_end_idxs`, `window_idx` and `include_final_window` will be ignored.
        Rows with NaN values for this column will not be considered (as pandas
        ignores these rows when grouping).
        .. note::
            This is similar as passing a `DataFrameGroupBy` object as `data`
            argument to the `calculate` method, where the `DataFrameGroupBy` object
            is created by calling `data.groupby(group_by_all)`.
    group_by_consecutive: str, optional
        The name of the column by which to perform consecutive grouping. A
        consecutive group is a group of values that are the same and are next to
        each other. For each consecutive group, the features will be calculated.
        The output that is returned contains this `group_by` column to allow
        identifying the groups, and also contains fields [`__start`, "__end"] which
        contain start and end time range for each result row.
        If this parameter is used, the parameters `stride`, `segment_start_idxs`,
        `segment_end_idxs`, `window_idx` and `include_final_window` will be ignored.
        Rows with NaN values for this column will not be considered (as we deem NaN
        not as a groupable value).
        Note that for consecutive grouping, groups can appear multiple times if they
        appear in different time-gaps.

        Example output:
        .. example::
                number_sold__sum__w=manual  store    __start      __end
            0          845                  0     2019-01-01 2019-01-01
            1          357                  3     2019-01-02 2019-01-02
            2          904                  6     2019-01-03 2019-01-03
            3          599                  3     2019-01-04 2019-01-05
            4          871                  0     2019-01-06 2019-01-06
            ...                           ...    ...        ...        ...
    bound_method: str, optional
        The start-end bound methodology which is used to generate the slice ranges
        when ``data`` consists of multiple series / columns.
        Must be either of: `["inner", "inner-outer", "outer"]`, by default "inner".

        * if ``inner``, the inner-bounds of the series are returned.
        * if ``inner-outer``, the left-inner and right-outer bounds of the series
          are returned.
        * if ``outer``, the outer-bounds of the series are returned.
    approve_sparsity: bool, optional
        Bool indicating whether the user acknowledges that there may be sparsity
        (i.e., irregularly sampled data), by default False.
        If False and sparsity is observed, a warning is raised.
    show_progress: bool, optional
        If True, the progress will be shown with a progressbar, by default False.
    logging_file_path : Union[str, Path], optional
        The file path where the logged messages are stored. If `None`, then no
        logging `FileHandler` will be used and the logging messages are only pushed
        to stdout. Otherwise, a logging `FileHandler` will write the logged messages
        to the given file path. See also the `tsflex.features.logger` module.
    n_jobs : int, optional
        The number of processes used for the feature calculation. If `None`, then
        the number returned by _os.cpu_count()_ is used, by default None. \n
        If n_jobs is either 0 or 1, the code will be executed sequentially without
        creating a process pool. This is very useful when debugging, as the stack
        trace will be more comprehensible.
        .. note::
            Multiprocessed execution is not supported on Windows. Even when,
            `n_jobs` is set > 1, the feature extraction will still be executed
            Why do we not support multiprocessing on Windows; see this issue

        .. tip::
            It takes on avg. _300ms_ to schedule everything with
            multiprocessing. So if your sequential feature extraction code runs
            faster than ~1s, it might not be worth it to parallelize the process
            (and thus better leave `n_jobs` to 0 or 1).

    Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]
        The calculated features.

        Raised when a required key is not found in `data`.

    * The (column-)names of the series in `data` represent the `series_names`.
    * If a `logging_file_path` is provided, the execution (time) info can be
      retrieved by calling `logger.get_feature_logs(logging_file_path)`.
      Be aware that the `logging_file_path` gets cleared before the logger pushes
      logged messages. Hence, one should use a separate logging file for each
      constructed processing and feature instance with this library.


    # Check valid data
    if isinstance(data, list):
        assert all(
            isinstance(d, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)) for d in data
        ), "All elements of the data list must be either a Series or a DataFrame!"
        assert isinstance(
            data, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy)
        ), "The data must be either a Series, a DataFrame or a DataFrameGroupBy!"

    # check valid group_by
    assert group_by_all is None or group_by_consecutive is None, (
        "Only max one of the following parameters can be set: "
        + "`group_by_all` or `group_by_consecutive`"
    assert not (
        (group_by_all is not None or group_by_consecutive is not None)
        and isinstance(data, pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy)
    ), (
        "Cannot use `group_by_all` or `group_by_consecutive` when `data` is"
        + " already a grouped DataFrame!"

    # Delete other logging handlers
    # Add logging handler (if path provided)
    f_handler = None
    if logging_file_path:
        f_handler = add_logging_handler(logger, logging_file_path)

    if (
        or group_by_consecutive
        or isinstance(data, pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy)
            error_case="When using the groupby behavior"

        # The grouping column must be part of the required series
        if group_by_all:
            # group_by_consecutive should be None (checked by asserts above)
            # data should not be a grouped DataFrame (checked by asserts above)
            assert (
                group_by_all not in self.get_required_series()
            ), "The `group_by_all` column cannot be part of the required series!"
        elif group_by_consecutive:
            # group_by_all should be None (checked by asserts above)
            # data should not be a grouped DataFrame (checked by asserts above)
            assert group_by_consecutive not in self.get_required_series(), (
                "The `group_by_consecutive` column cannot be part of the required "
                + "series!"
            # __start and __end should not be part of the output names
            assert "__start" not in self.get_required_series()
            assert "__end" not in self.get_required_series()

        # if any of the following params are not None, warn that they won't be of use
        # in the grouped calculation
        ignored_params = [
            ("stride", None),
            ("segment_start_idxs", None),
            ("segment_end_idxs", None),
            ("window_idx", "end"),
            ("include_final_window", False),
        local_params = locals()

        for ip, default_value in ignored_params:
            if local_params[ip] is not default_value:
                    f"Parameter `{ip}` will be ignored in case of GroupBy feature"
                    + " calculation."

        if group_by_consecutive:
            # Strided rollling feature extraction will take place
            return self._calculate_group_by_consecutive(
            # Grouped feature extraction will take place
            if not isinstance(data, pd.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy):
                # group_by_all should not be None (checked by asserts above)
                assert group_by_all is not None
                # 0. Transform to dataframe
                series_dict = FeatureCollection._data_to_series_dict(
                    data, self.get_required_series() + [group_by_all]
                # 1. Group by `group_by_all` column
                data = self._group_by_all(series_dict, col_name=group_by_all)

            return self._calculate_group_by_all(
                data,  # should be a DataFrameGroupBy

    # Sort output index if segment indices are not provided
    sort_output_index = segment_start_idxs is None and segment_end_idxs is None

    # Convert to numpy array (if necessary)
    if segment_start_idxs is not None:
        segment_start_idxs = FeatureCollection._process_segment_idxs(
    if segment_end_idxs is not None:
        segment_end_idxs = FeatureCollection._process_segment_idxs(segment_end_idxs)

    if segment_start_idxs is not None and segment_end_idxs is not None:
        # Check if segment indices have same length and whether every start idx
        # <= end idx
        _check_start_end_array(segment_start_idxs, segment_end_idxs)
        # Check if there is either 1 or No(ne) window value for every output name -
        # input_series combination
            error_case="When using both `segment_start_idxs` and `segment_end_idxs`"

    if segment_start_idxs is None or segment_end_idxs is None:
        assert all(
            fd.window is not None
            for fd in flatten(self._feature_desc_dict.values())
        ), (
            "Each feature descriptor must have a window when not both "
            + "segment_start_idxs and segment_end_idxs are provided"

    if stride is None and segment_start_idxs is None and segment_end_idxs is None:
        assert all(
            fd.stride is not None
            for fd in flatten(self._feature_desc_dict.values())
        ), (
            "Each feature descriptor must have a stride when no stride or "
            + "segment indices are passed to this method!"
    elif stride is not None and (
        segment_start_idxs is not None or segment_end_idxs is not None
        raise ValueError(
            "The stride and any segment index argument cannot be set together! "
            + "At least one of both should be None."

    if stride is not None:
        # Verify whether the stride complies with the input data dtype
        stride = [
            parse_time_arg(s) if isinstance(s, str) else s for s in to_list(stride)
        self._check_feature_descriptors(skip_none=False, calc_stride=stride)

    # Convert the data to a series_dict
    series_dict = FeatureCollection._data_to_series_dict(
        data, self.get_required_series()

    # Determine the bounds of the series dict items and slice on them
    # TODO: is dit wel nodig `hier? want we doen dat ook in de strided rolling
    start, end = _determine_bounds(bound_method, list(series_dict.values()))
    series_dict = {
        n: s.loc[
            s.index.dtype.type(start) : s.index.dtype.type(end)
        ]  # TODO: check memory efficiency of ths
        for n, s, in series_dict.items()

    # Note: this variable has a global scope so this is shared in multiprocessing
    # TODO: try to make this more efficient (but is not really the bottleneck)
    global get_stroll_func
    get_stroll_func = self._stroll_feat_generator(

    return self._calculate_feature_list(

Calculate features on the passed data.


data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]], pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupby]

Dataframe or Series or list thereof, with all the required data for the feature calculation.


  • each Series / DataFrame must have a sortable index. This index represents the sequence position of the corresponding values, the index can be either numeric or a pd.DatetimeIndex.
  • each Series / DataFrame index must be comparable with all others
  • we assume that each series-name / dataframe-column-name is unique. Can also be a DataFrameGroupBy object, in which case the expected behaviour is similar to grouping by all values in group_by_all (i.e., for each group, the features are calculated on the group's data).
stride : Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta, List[Union[float, str, pd.Timedelta], None], optional

The stride size. By default None. This argument supports multiple types:

  • If None, the stride of the FeatureDescriptor objects will be used.
  • If the type is an float or an int, its value represents the series:

    • its stride range when a non time-indexed series is passed.
    • the stride in number of samples, when a time-indexed series is passed (must then be and int)
      • If the stride's type is a pd.Timedelta, the stride size represents the stride-time delta. The passed data must have a time-index.
      • If a str, it must represent a stride-time-delta-string. Hence, the passed data must have a time-index.


When set, this stride argument takes precedence over the stride property of the FeatureDescriptors in this FeatureCollection (i.e., when a not None value for stride passed to this method).

segment_start_idxs : Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index], optional

The start indices of the segments. If None, the start indices will be computed from the data using either:

segment_end_idxs : Union[list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.Index], optional

The end indices for the segmented windows. If None, the end indices will be computed from the data using either:


When passing both segment_start_idxs and segment_end_idxs, these two arguments must have the same length and every start index must be <= than the corresponding end index. Note that passing both arguments, discards any meaning of the window and stride values (as these segment indices define the segmented data, and thus no strided-window rolling index calculation has to be executed). As such, the user can create variable-length segmented windows. However, in such cases, the user should be weary that the feature functions are invariant to these (potentially variable-length) windows.

return_df : bool, optional
Whether the output needs to be a DataFrame or a list thereof, by default False. If True the output dataframes will be merged to a DataFrame with an outer merge.
window_idx : str, optional

The window's index position which will be used as index for the feature_window aggregation. Must be either of: ["begin", "middle", "end"]. by default "end". All features in this collection will use the same window_idx.


window_idx="end" uses the window's end (= right open bound) as output index.

window_idx="begin" uses the window's start idx (= left closed bound) as output index.

include_final_window : bool, optional

Whether the final (possibly incomplete) window should be included in the strided-window segmentation, by default False.


The remarks below apply when include_final_window is set to True. The user should be aware that the last window might be incomplete, i.e.;

  • when equally sampled, the last window might be smaller than the the other windows.
  • when not equally sampled, the last window might not include all the data points (as the begin-time + window-size comes after the last data point).

Note, that when equally sampled, the last window will be a full window when:

  • the stride is the sampling rate of the data (or stride = 1 for sample-based configurations).
    Remark: that when include_final_window is set to False, the last window (which is a full) window will not be included!
  • (len * sampling_rate - window_size) % stride = 0. Remark that the above case is a base case of this.
group_by_all : str, optional
The name of the column by which to perform grouping. For each group, the features will be calculated. The output that is returned contains this group_by column as index to allow identifying the groups. If this parameter is used, the parameters stride, segment_start_idxs, segment_end_idxs, window_idx and include_final_window will be ignored. Rows with NaN values for this column will not be considered (as pandas ignores these rows when grouping).


This is similar as passing a DataFrameGroupBy object as data argument to the calculate method, where the DataFrameGroupBy object is created by calling data.groupby(group_by_all).
group_by_consecutive : str, optional

The name of the column by which to perform consecutive grouping. A consecutive group is a group of values that are the same and are next to each other. For each consecutive group, the features will be calculated. The output that is returned contains this group_by column to allow identifying the groups, and also contains fields [__start, "__end"] which contain start and end time range for each result row. If this parameter is used, the parameters stride, segment_start_idxs, segment_end_idxs, window_idx and include_final_window will be ignored. Rows with NaN values for this column will not be considered (as we deem NaN not as a groupable value). Note that for consecutive grouping, groups can appear multiple times if they appear in different time-gaps.

Example output:


            number_sold__sum__w=manual  store    __start      __end
        0          845                  0     2019-01-01 2019-01-01
        1          357                  3     2019-01-02 2019-01-02
        2          904                  6     2019-01-03 2019-01-03
        3          599                  3     2019-01-04 2019-01-05
        4          871                  0     2019-01-06 2019-01-06
        ...                           ...    ...        ...        ...
bound_method : str, optional

The start-end bound methodology which is used to generate the slice ranges when data consists of multiple series / columns. Must be either of: ["inner", "inner-outer", "outer"], by default "inner".

  • if inner, the inner-bounds of the series are returned.
  • if inner-outer, the left-inner and right-outer bounds of the series are returned.
  • if outer, the outer-bounds of the series are returned.
approve_sparsity : bool, optional
Bool indicating whether the user acknowledges that there may be sparsity (i.e., irregularly sampled data), by default False. If False and sparsity is observed, a warning is raised.
show_progress : bool, optional
If True, the progress will be shown with a progressbar, by default False.
logging_file_path : Union[str, Path], optional
The file path where the logged messages are stored. If None, then no logging FileHandler will be used and the logging messages are only pushed to stdout. Otherwise, a logging FileHandler will write the logged messages to the given file path. See also the .logger module.
n_jobs : int, optional

The number of processes used for the feature calculation. If None, then the number returned by os.cpu_count() is used, by default None.

If n_jobs is either 0 or 1, the code will be executed sequentially without creating a process pool. This is very useful when debugging, as the stack trace will be more comprehensible.


Multiprocessed execution is not supported on Windows. Even when, n_jobs is set > 1, the feature extraction will still be executed sequentially. Why do we not support multiprocessing on Windows; see this issue


It takes on avg. 300ms to schedule everything with multiprocessing. So if your sequential feature extraction code runs faster than ~1s, it might not be worth it to parallelize the process (and thus better leave n_jobs to 0 or 1).


Union[List[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame]
The calculated features.


Raised when a required key is not found in data.


  • The (column-)names of the series in data represent the series_names.
  • If a logging_file_path is provided, the execution (time) info can be retrieved by calling get_feature_logs()(logging_file_path). Be aware that the logging_file_path gets cleared before the logger pushes logged messages. Hence, one should use a separate logging file for each constructed processing and feature instance with this library.
def serialize(self, file_path)
Expand source code
def serialize(self, file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
    """Serialize this FeatureCollection instance.

    file_path : Union[str, Path]
        The path where the `FeatureCollection` will be serialized.

    As we use [Dill]({:target="_blank"} to
    serialize the files, we can **also serialize functions which are defined in
    the local scope, like lambdas.**

    with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
        dill.dump(self, f, recurse=True)

Serialize this FeatureCollection instance.


file_path : Union[str, Path]
The path where the FeatureCollection will be serialized.


As we use Dill to serialize the files, we can also serialize functions which are defined in the local scope, like lambdas.

def reduce(self, feat_cols_to_keep)
Expand source code
def reduce(self, feat_cols_to_keep: List[str]) -> FeatureCollection:
    """Create a reduced FeatureCollection instance based on `feat_cols_to_keep`.

    For example, this is useful to optimize feature-extraction inference
    (for your selected features) after performing a feature-selection procedure.

    feat_cols_to_keep: List[str]
        A subset of the feature collection instance its column names.
        This corresponds to the columns / names of the output from `calculate`
        method that you want to keep.

        A new FeatureCollection object, which only withholds the FeatureDescriptors
        which constitute the `feat_cols_to_keep` output.

    Some FeatureDescriptor objects may have multiple **output-names**.<br>
    Hence, if you only want to retain _a subset_ of that FeatureDescriptor its
    feature outputs, you will still get **all features** as the new
    FeatureCollection is constructed by applying a filter on de FeatureDescriptor
    list and we thus not alter these FeatureDescriptor objects themselves.

    # dict in which we store all the { output_col_name : (UUID, FeatureDescriptor) }
    # items of our current FeatureCollection object
    manual_window = False
    if any(c.endswith("w=manual") for c in feat_cols_to_keep):
        assert all(c.endswith("w=manual") for c in feat_cols_to_keep)
        # As the windows are created manual, the FeatureCollection cannot contain
        # multiple windows for the same output name - input_series combination
            error_case="When reducing a FeatureCollection with manual windows"
        manual_window = True
    feat_col_fd_mapping: Dict[str, Tuple[str, FeatureDescriptor]] = {}
    for (s_names, window), fd_list in self._feature_desc_dict.items():
        window = "manual" if manual_window else self._ws_to_str(window)
        for fd in fd_list:
            # As a single FeatureDescriptor can have multiple output col names, we
            # create a unique identifier for each FeatureDescriptor (on which we
            # will apply set-like operations later on to only retain all the unique
            # FeatureDescriptors)
            uuid_str = str(uuid.uuid4())
            for output_name in fd.function.output_names:
                # Reconstruct the feature column name
                feat_col_name = StridedRolling.construct_output_index(
                    series_keys=s_names, feat_name=output_name, win_str=window
                feat_col_fd_mapping[feat_col_name] = (uuid_str, fd)

    assert all(fc in feat_col_fd_mapping for fc in feat_cols_to_keep)

    # Collect (uuid, FeatureDescriptor) for the feat_cols_to_keep
    fd_subset: List[Tuple[str, FeatureDescriptor]] = [
        feat_col_fd_mapping[fc] for fc in feat_cols_to_keep

    # Reduce to unique feature descriptor objects (based on uuid) and create a new
    # FeatureCollection for their deepcopy's.
    seen_uuids = set()
    fds = []
    for uuid_str, fd in fd_subset:
        if uuid_str not in seen_uuids:

    return FeatureCollection(feature_descriptors=fds)

Create a reduced FeatureCollection instance based on feat_cols_to_keep.

For example, this is useful to optimize feature-extraction inference (for your selected features) after performing a feature-selection procedure.


feat_cols_to_keep : List[str]
A subset of the feature collection instance its column names. This corresponds to the columns / names of the output from calculate method that you want to keep.


A new FeatureCollection object, which only withholds the FeatureDescriptors which constitute the feat_cols_to_keep output.


Some FeatureDescriptor objects may have multiple output-names.
Hence, if you only want to retain a subset of that FeatureDescriptor its feature outputs, you will still get all features as the new FeatureCollection is constructed by applying a filter on de FeatureDescriptor list and we thus not alter these FeatureDescriptor objects themselves.

class FuncWrapper (func, output_names=None, input_type=numpy.ndarray, vectorized=False, **kwargs)
Expand source code
class FuncWrapper(FrozenClass):
    """Function wrapper.

    A function wrapper which takes a numpy array / pandas series as input and returns
    one or multiple values. It also defines the names of the function outputs, and
    stores the function its keyword arguments.

    func : Callable
        The wrapped function.
    output_names : Union[List[str], str], optional
        The name of the outputs of the function, by default None.
    input_type: Union[np.array, pd.Series], optional
        The input type that the function requires (either np.array or pd.Series), by
        default np.array.
        .. Note::
            Make sure to only set this argument to pd.Series if the function requires
            a pd.Series, since pd.Series strided-rolling is significantly less efficient.
            For a np.array it is possible to create very efficient views, but there is no
            such thing as a pd.Series view. Thus, for each stroll, a new series is created.
    vectorized: bool, optional
        Flag indicating whether `func` should be executed vectorized over all the
        segmented windows, by default False.
        .. Info::
            A vectorized function should take one or multiple series that each have the
            shape (nb. segmented windows, window size).
            For example a vectorized version of `np.max` is
            ``FuncWrapper(np.max, vectorized=True, axis=1)``.
        .. Note::
            * A function can only be applied in vectorized manner when the required
              series are REGULARLY sampled (and have the same index in case of multiple
              required series).
            * The `input_type` should be `np.ndarray` when `vectorized` is True. It does
              not make sense to use a `pd.Series`, as the index should be regularly
              sampled (see requirement above).
    **kwargs: dict, optional
        Keyword arguments which will be also passed to the `function`

        Raised when the `output_names` cannot be set.


    def __init__(  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
        func: Callable,
        output_names: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None,
        input_type: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series] = np.ndarray,
        vectorized: bool = False,
        """Create FuncWrapper instance."""
        self.func = func
        self.kwargs: dict = kwargs

        if isinstance(output_names, list):
            self.output_names = output_names
        elif isinstance(output_names, str):
            self.output_names = [output_names]
        elif not output_names:
            self.output_names = [_get_name(func)]
            raise TypeError(f"`output_names` is unexpected type {type(output_names)}")

        # for backwards compatibility
        input_type = np.ndarray if input_type is np.array else input_type
        assert input_type in SUPPORTED_STROLL_TYPES, "Invalid input_type!"
        assert not (
            vectorized & (input_type is not np.ndarray)
        ), "The input_type must be np.ndarray if vectorized is True!"
        self.input_type = input_type
        self.vectorized = vectorized


    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return repr string."""
        return (
            f"{self.__class__.__name__}({_get_name(self.func)}, {self.output_names},"
            f" {self.kwargs})"

    def __call__(self, *series: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]) -> Any:
        """Call wrapped function with passed data.

        *series : Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]
            The (multiple) input series for the function.

            The function output for the passed series.

        return self.func(*series, **self.kwargs)

Function wrapper.

A function wrapper which takes a numpy array / pandas series as input and returns one or multiple values. It also defines the names of the function outputs, and stores the function its keyword arguments.


func : Callable
The wrapped function.
output_names : Union[List[str], str], optional
The name of the outputs of the function, by default None.
input_type : Union[np.array, pd.Series], optional
The input type that the function requires (either np.array or pd.Series), by default np.array.


Make sure to only set this argument to pd.Series if the function requires a pd.Series, since pd.Series strided-rolling is significantly less efficient. For a np.array it is possible to create very efficient views, but there is no such thing as a pd.Series view. Thus, for each stroll, a new series is created.
vectorized : bool, optional

Flag indicating whether func should be executed vectorized over all the segmented windows, by default False.


A vectorized function should take one or multiple series that each have the shape (nb. segmented windows, window size). For example a vectorized version of np.max is FuncWrapper(np.max, vectorized=True, axis=1).


  • A function can only be applied in vectorized manner when the required series are REGULARLY sampled (and have the same index in case of multiple required series).
  • The input_type should be np.ndarray when vectorized is True. It does not make sense to use a pd.Series, as the index should be regularly sampled (see requirement above).
**kwargs : dict, optional
Keyword arguments which will be also passed to the function


Raised when the output_names cannot be set.

Create FuncWrapper instance.


  • tsflex.utils.classes.FrozenClass


def __call__(self, *series)
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def __call__(self, *series: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]) -> Any:
    """Call wrapped function with passed data.

    *series : Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]
        The (multiple) input series for the function.

        The function output for the passed series.

    return self.func(*series, **self.kwargs)

Call wrapped function with passed data.


*series : Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]
The (multiple) input series for the function.


The function output for the passed series.
class StridedRollingFactory
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class StridedRollingFactory:
    """Factory class for creating the appropriate StridedRolling segmenter."""

    _datatype_to_stroll = {
        DataType.TIME: TimeStridedRolling,
        DataType.SEQUENCE: SequenceStridedRolling,

    def get_segmenter(  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
        data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]],
        window: Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta],
        strides: Optional[List[Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]]],
    ) -> StridedRolling:
        """Get the appropriate StridedRolling instance for the passed data.

        The returned instance will be determined by the data its index type

        data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]
            The data to segment.
        window : Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]
             The window size to use for the segmentation.
        strides : Union[List[Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]], None]
            The stride(s) to use for the segmentation.
        **kwargs : dict, optional
            Additional keyword arguments, see the `StridedRolling` its documentation
            for more info.

        .. Note::
            When passing `time-based` data, but **int**-based window & stride params,
            the strided rolling will be `TimeIndexSampleStridedRolling`. This class
            **assumes** that **all data series** _roughly_ have the
            **same sample frequency**, as  the windows and strides are interpreted in
            terms of **number of samples**.

            When incompatible data & window-stride data types are passed (e.g. time
            window-stride args on sequence data-index).

            The constructed StridedRolling instance.

        data_dtype = AttributeParser.determine_type(data)
        if strides is None:
            args_dtype = AttributeParser.determine_type(window)
            args_dtype = AttributeParser.determine_type([window] + strides)

        if window is None or data_dtype.value == args_dtype.value:
            return StridedRollingFactory._datatype_to_stroll[data_dtype](
                data, window, strides, **kwargs
        elif data_dtype == DataType.TIME and args_dtype == DataType.SEQUENCE:
            # Note: this is very niche and thus requires advanced knowledge
            assert isinstance(window, int)
            if strides is not None:
                assert isinstance(strides, list) and all(
                    isinstance(s, int) for s in strides
            return TimeIndexSampleStridedRolling(data, window, strides, **kwargs)
        elif data_dtype == DataType.SEQUENCE and args_dtype == DataType.TIME:
            raise ValueError("Cannot segment a sequence-series with a time window")

        # This should never happen
        raise ValueError(
            f"Cannot segment data of type {data_dtype} with window-stride of type {args_dtype}"

Factory class for creating the appropriate StridedRolling segmenter.

Static methods

def get_segmenter(data, window, strides, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def get_segmenter(  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
    data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]],
    window: Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta],
    strides: Optional[List[Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]]],
) -> StridedRolling:
    """Get the appropriate StridedRolling instance for the passed data.

    The returned instance will be determined by the data its index type

    data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]
        The data to segment.
    window : Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]
         The window size to use for the segmentation.
    strides : Union[List[Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]], None]
        The stride(s) to use for the segmentation.
    **kwargs : dict, optional
        Additional keyword arguments, see the `StridedRolling` its documentation
        for more info.

    .. Note::
        When passing `time-based` data, but **int**-based window & stride params,
        the strided rolling will be `TimeIndexSampleStridedRolling`. This class
        **assumes** that **all data series** _roughly_ have the
        **same sample frequency**, as  the windows and strides are interpreted in
        terms of **number of samples**.

        When incompatible data & window-stride data types are passed (e.g. time
        window-stride args on sequence data-index).

        The constructed StridedRolling instance.

    data_dtype = AttributeParser.determine_type(data)
    if strides is None:
        args_dtype = AttributeParser.determine_type(window)
        args_dtype = AttributeParser.determine_type([window] + strides)

    if window is None or data_dtype.value == args_dtype.value:
        return StridedRollingFactory._datatype_to_stroll[data_dtype](
            data, window, strides, **kwargs
    elif data_dtype == DataType.TIME and args_dtype == DataType.SEQUENCE:
        # Note: this is very niche and thus requires advanced knowledge
        assert isinstance(window, int)
        if strides is not None:
            assert isinstance(strides, list) and all(
                isinstance(s, int) for s in strides
        return TimeIndexSampleStridedRolling(data, window, strides, **kwargs)
    elif data_dtype == DataType.SEQUENCE and args_dtype == DataType.TIME:
        raise ValueError("Cannot segment a sequence-series with a time window")

    # This should never happen
    raise ValueError(
        f"Cannot segment data of type {data_dtype} with window-stride of type {args_dtype}"

Get the appropriate StridedRolling instance for the passed data.

The returned instance will be determined by the data its index type


data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]
The data to segment.
window : Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]
The window size to use for the segmentation.
strides : Union[List[Union[int, float, pd.Timedelta]], None]
The stride(s) to use for the segmentation.
**kwargs : dict, optional
Additional keyword arguments, see the StridedRolling its documentation for more info.


When passing time-based data, but int-based window & stride params, the strided rolling will be TimeIndexSampleStridedRolling. This class assumes that all data series roughly have the same sample frequency, as the windows and strides are interpreted in terms of number of samples.


When incompatible data & window-stride data types are passed (e.g. time window-stride args on sequence data-index).


The constructed StridedRolling instance.