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What does the orange ~time|number suffix in legend name indicate?

This tilde suffix is only shown when the data is aggregated and represents the mean aggregation bin size which is the mean index-range difference between two consecutive aggregated samples.

  • for time-indexed data: the mean time-range between 2 consecutive (sampled) samples.
  • for numeric-indexed data: the mean numeric range between 2 consecutive (sampled) samples.

When the index is a range-index; the mean aggregation bin size represents the mean downsample ratio; i.e., the mean number of samples that are aggregated into one sample.

What is the difference between plotly-resampler figures and plain plotly figures?

plotly-resampler can be thought of as wrapper around plain plotly figures which adds line-chart visualization scalability by dynamically aggregating the data of the figures w.r.t. the front-end view. plotly-resampler thus adds dynamic aggregation functionality to plain plotly figures.

important to know:

  • show always returns a static html view of the figure, i.e., no dynamic aggregation can be performed on that view.
  • To have dynamic aggregation:
    • with FigureResampler, you need to call show_dash (or output the object in a cell via IPython.display) -> which spawns a dash-web app, and the dynamic aggregation is realized with dash callback
    • with FigureWidgetResampler, you need to use IPython.display on the object, which uses widget-events to realize dynamic aggregation (via the running IPython kernel).

other changes of plotly-resampler figures w.r.t. vanilla plotly:

  • double-clicking within a line-chart area does not Reset Axes, as it results in an “Autoscale” event. We decided to implement an Autoscale event as updating your y-range such that it shows all the data that is in your x-range
    • Note: vanilla Plotly figures their Autoscale result in Reset Axes behavior, in our opinion this did not make a lot of sense. It is therefore that we have overriden this behavior in plotly-resampler.
My FigureResampler.show_dash keeps hanging (indefinitely) with the error message: OSError: Port already in use


Since v0.9.0 we use Dash instead of JupyterDash for Jupyter integration which should have resolved this issue!

Plotly-resampler its FigureResampler.show_dash method leverages the jupyterdash toolkit to easily allow integration of dash apps in notebooks. However, there is a known issue with jupyterDash that causes the FigureResampler.show_dash method to hang when the port is already in use. In a future Pull-Request they will hopefully fix this issue. We internally track this issue as well - please comment there if you want to provide feedback.

In the meantime, you can use the following workaround (if you do not care about the Werkzeug security issue): pip install werkzeug==2.1.2.

What is the difference in approach between plotly-resampler and datashader?

Datashader is a highly scalable open-source library for analyzing and visualizing large datasets. More specifically, datashader “rasterizes” or “aggregates” datasets into regular grids that can be analyzed further or viewed as images.

The main differences are:

Datashader can deal with various kinds of data (e.g., location related data, point clouds), whereas plotly-resampler is more tailored towards time-series data visualizations. Furthermore, datashader outputs a rasterized image/array encompassing all traces their data, whereas plotly-resampler outputs an aggregated series per trace. Thus, datashader is more suited for analyzing data where you do not want to pin-out a certain series/trace.

In our opinion, datashader truly shines (for the time series use case) when:

  • you want a global, overlaying view of all your traces
  • you want to visualize a large number of time series in a single plot (many traces)
  • there is a lot of noise on your high-frequency data and you want to uncover the underlying pattern
  • you want to render all data points in your visualization

In our opinion, plotly-resampler shines when:

  • you need the capabilities to interact with the traces (e.g., hovering, toggling traces, hovertext per trace)
  • you want to use a less complex (but more restricted) visualization interface (as opposed to holoviews), i.e., plotly
  • you want to make existing plotly time-series figures more scalable and efficient
  • to build scalable Dash apps for time-series data visualization

Furthermore combined with holoviews, datashader can also be employed in an interactive manner, see the example below.

   from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade
   import datashader as ds
   import holoviews as hv
   import numpy as np
   import pandas as pd
   import panel as pn


   # Create the dummy dataframe
   n = 1_000_000
   x = np.arange(n)
   noisy_sine = (np.sin(x / 3_000) + (np.random.randn(n) / 10)) * x / 5_000
   df = pd.DataFrame(
      {"ns": noisy_sine, "ns_abs": np.abs(noisy_sine),}

   # Visualize interactively with datashader
   opts = hv.opts.RGB(width=800, height=400)
   ndoverlay = hv.NdOverlay({c:hv.Curve((df.index, df[c])) for c in df.columns})
   datashade(ndoverlay, cnorm='linear', aggregator=ds.count(), line_width=3).opts(opts)

interactive datashader example

Pandas or numpy datetime works much slower than unix epoch timestamps?

This stems from the plotly scatter(gl) constructor being much slower for non-numeric data. Plotly performs a different serialization for datetime arrays (which are interpreted as object arrays). However, plotly-resampler should not be limited by this - to avoid this issue, add your datetime data as hf_x to your plotly-resampler FigureResampler.add_trace (or FigureWidgetResampler.add_trace) method. This avoids adding (& serializing) all the data to the scatter object, since plotly-resampler will pass the aggregated data to the scatter object.

Some illustration:

import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from plotly_resampler import FigureResampler

# Create the dummy dataframe
y = np.arange(1_000_000)
x = pd.date_range(start="2020-01-01", periods=len(y), freq="1s")

# Create the plotly-resampler figure
fig = FigureResampler()
# fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x, y=y))  # This is slow
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(), hf_x=x, hf_y=y)  # This is fast

# ... (add more traces, etc.)