Module tsflex.processing.series_pipeline

SeriesPipeline class for time-series data (pre-)processing pipeline.

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"""SeriesPipeline class for time-series data (pre-)processing pipeline."""
from __future__ import annotations

__author__ = "Jonas Van Der Donckt, Emiel Deprost, Jeroen Van Der Donckt"

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union

import dill
import pandas as pd

from import flatten, series_dict_to_df, to_series_list
from ..utils.logging import add_logging_handler, delete_logging_handlers
from .logger import logger
from .series_processor import SeriesProcessor

class _ProcessingError(Exception):

class SeriesPipeline:
    """Pipeline for applying ``SeriesProcessor`` objects sequentially.

    processors : List[Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]], optional
        List of ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` instances that will be applied
        sequentially to the internal series dict, by default None.
        **The processing steps will be executed in the same order as passed in this


    def __init__(
        self, processors: Optional[List[Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]]] = None
        self.processing_steps: List[SeriesProcessor] = []  # TODO: dit private of niet?
        if processors is not None:
            assert isinstance(processors, list)

            self.processing_steps = list(
                        p.processing_steps if isinstance(p, SeriesPipeline) else [p]
                        for p in processors

    def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
        """Return all required series names for this pipeline.

        Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute all the
        ``SeriesProcessor`` objects of this processing pipeline.

            List of all the required series names.

        return list(
            set(flatten(step.get_required_series() for step in self.processing_steps))

    def append(self, processor: Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]) -> None:
        """Append a ``SeriesProcessor`` at the end of the pipeline.

        processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
            The ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` that will be added to the
            end of the pipeline.

        if isinstance(processor, SeriesProcessor):
        elif isinstance(processor, SeriesPipeline):
            raise TypeError(
                "Can only append SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline, "
                + f"not {type(processor)}"

    def insert(
        self, idx: int, processor: Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
    ) -> None:
        """Insert a ``SeriesProcessor`` at the given index in the pipeline.

        idx : int
            The index where the given processor should be inserted in the pipeline.
            Index 0 will insert the given processor at the front of the pipeline,
            and index ``len(pipeline)`` is equivalent to appending the processor.
        processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
            The ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` that will be inserted.<br>
            .. note::
                If the given processor is a ``SeriesPipeline``, all its processors will
                be inserted sequentially, starting from the given index.

        if isinstance(processor, SeriesProcessor):
            self.processing_steps.insert(idx, processor)
        elif isinstance(processor, SeriesPipeline):
            for i, ps in enumerate(processor.processing_steps):
                self.insert(idx + i, ps)
            raise TypeError(
                "Can only insert a SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline, "
                + f"not {type(processor)}"

    def process(
        data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]],
        return_df: Optional[bool] = False,
        return_all_series: Optional[bool] = True,
        drop_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        copy: Optional[bool] = False,
        logging_file_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
    ) -> Union[List[pd.Series], pd.DataFrame]:
        """Execute all ``SeriesProcessor`` objects in pipeline sequentially.

        Apply all the processing steps on passed Series list or DataFrame and return the
        preprocessed Series list or DataFrame.

        data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]
            Dataframe or Series or list thereof, with all the required data for the
            processing steps. \n
            **Remark**: each Series / DataFrame must have a ``pd.DatetimeIndex``.
            **Remark**: we assume that each name / column is unique.
        return_df : bool, optional
            Whether the output needs to be a series list or a DataFrame, by default
            If True the output series will be combined to a DataFrame with an outer
        return_all_series : bool, optional
            Whether the output needs to return all the series, by default True.
            * If True the output will contain all series that were passed to this
            * If False the output will contain just the required series (see
        drop_keys : List[str], optional
            Which keys should be dropped when returning the output, by default None.
        copy : bool, optional
            Whether the series in ``data`` should be copied, by default False.
        logging_file_path : Union[str, Path], optional
            The file path where the logged messages are stored, by default None.
            If ``None``, then no logging ``FileHandler`` will be used and the logging
            messages are only pushed to stdout. Otherwise, a logging ``FileHandler`` will
            write the logged messages to the given file path.

        Union[List[pd.Series], pd.DataFrame]
            The preprocessed series.

        * If a ``logging_file_path`` is provided, the execution (time) info can be
          retrieved by calling ``logger.get_processor_logs(logging_file_path)``. <br>
          Be aware that the ``logging_file_path`` gets cleared before the logger pushes
          logged messages. Hence, one should use a separate logging file for each
          constructed processing and feature instance with this library.
        * If a series processor its function output is a ``np.ndarray``, the input series
          dict (required dict for that function) must contain just 1 series! That series
          its name and index are used to return a series dict. When a user does not want
          a numpy array to replace its input series, it is his / her responsibility to
          create a new ``pd.Series`` (or ``pd.DataFrame``) of that numpy array with a
          different (column) name.
        * If ``func_output`` is a ``pd.Series``, keep in mind that the input series gets
          transformed (i.e., replaced) in the pipeline with the ``func_output`` when the
          series name is  equal.

            Error raised when a processing step fails.

        # Delete other logging handlers
        # Add logging handler (if path provided)
        if logging_file_path:
            f_handler = add_logging_handler(logger, logging_file_path)

        # Convert the data to a series_dict
        series_dict: Dict[str, pd.Series] = {}
        for s in to_series_list(data):
            # Assert the assumptions we make!
            if len(s):
                assert isinstance(s.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)
            # TODO: also check monotonic increasing?

            if in self.get_required_series():
                series_dict[str(] = s.copy() if copy else s
            elif return_all_series:
                # If all the series have to be returned
                series_dict[str(] = s.copy() if copy else s

        output_keys: Set[str] = set()  # Maintain set of output series
        for processor in self.processing_steps:
                processed_dict = processor(series_dict)
            except Exception as e:
                # Close the file handler (this avoids PermissionError: [WinError 32])
                if logging_file_path:
                raise _ProcessingError(
                    "Error while processing function {}:\n {}".format(
              , str(e)
                ) from e

        # Close the file handler (this avoids PermissionError: [WinError 32])
        if logging_file_path:

        if not return_all_series:
            # Return just the output series
            output_dict = {key: series_dict[str(key)] for key in output_keys}
            series_dict = output_dict

        if drop_keys is not None:
            # Drop the keys that should not be included in the output
            output_dict = {
                key: series_dict[key]
                for key in set(series_dict.keys()).difference(drop_keys)
            series_dict = output_dict

        if return_df:
            # We merge the series dict into a DataFrame
            return series_dict_to_df(series_dict)
            return [s for s in series_dict.values()]

    def serialize(self, file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
        """Serialize this ``SeriesPipeline`` instance.

        As we use [Dill]({:target="_blank"} to
        serialize, we can also serialize (decorator)functions which are defined in the
        local scope, like lambdas.

        file_path : Union[str, Path]
            The path where the ``SeriesProcessor`` will be serialized.

        with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
            dill.dump(self, f, recurse=True)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return formal representation of object."""
        return "[\n" + "".join([f"\t{str(p)}\n" for p in self.processing_steps]) + "]"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return informal representation of object."""
        return self.__repr__()


class SeriesPipeline (processors=None)
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class SeriesPipeline:
    """Pipeline for applying ``SeriesProcessor`` objects sequentially.

    processors : List[Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]], optional
        List of ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` instances that will be applied
        sequentially to the internal series dict, by default None.
        **The processing steps will be executed in the same order as passed in this


    def __init__(
        self, processors: Optional[List[Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]]] = None
        self.processing_steps: List[SeriesProcessor] = []  # TODO: dit private of niet?
        if processors is not None:
            assert isinstance(processors, list)

            self.processing_steps = list(
                        p.processing_steps if isinstance(p, SeriesPipeline) else [p]
                        for p in processors

    def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
        """Return all required series names for this pipeline.

        Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute all the
        ``SeriesProcessor`` objects of this processing pipeline.

            List of all the required series names.

        return list(
            set(flatten(step.get_required_series() for step in self.processing_steps))

    def append(self, processor: Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]) -> None:
        """Append a ``SeriesProcessor`` at the end of the pipeline.

        processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
            The ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` that will be added to the
            end of the pipeline.

        if isinstance(processor, SeriesProcessor):
        elif isinstance(processor, SeriesPipeline):
            raise TypeError(
                "Can only append SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline, "
                + f"not {type(processor)}"

    def insert(
        self, idx: int, processor: Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
    ) -> None:
        """Insert a ``SeriesProcessor`` at the given index in the pipeline.

        idx : int
            The index where the given processor should be inserted in the pipeline.
            Index 0 will insert the given processor at the front of the pipeline,
            and index ``len(pipeline)`` is equivalent to appending the processor.
        processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
            The ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` that will be inserted.<br>
            .. note::
                If the given processor is a ``SeriesPipeline``, all its processors will
                be inserted sequentially, starting from the given index.

        if isinstance(processor, SeriesProcessor):
            self.processing_steps.insert(idx, processor)
        elif isinstance(processor, SeriesPipeline):
            for i, ps in enumerate(processor.processing_steps):
                self.insert(idx + i, ps)
            raise TypeError(
                "Can only insert a SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline, "
                + f"not {type(processor)}"

    def process(
        data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]],
        return_df: Optional[bool] = False,
        return_all_series: Optional[bool] = True,
        drop_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        copy: Optional[bool] = False,
        logging_file_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
    ) -> Union[List[pd.Series], pd.DataFrame]:
        """Execute all ``SeriesProcessor`` objects in pipeline sequentially.

        Apply all the processing steps on passed Series list or DataFrame and return the
        preprocessed Series list or DataFrame.

        data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]
            Dataframe or Series or list thereof, with all the required data for the
            processing steps. \n
            **Remark**: each Series / DataFrame must have a ``pd.DatetimeIndex``.
            **Remark**: we assume that each name / column is unique.
        return_df : bool, optional
            Whether the output needs to be a series list or a DataFrame, by default
            If True the output series will be combined to a DataFrame with an outer
        return_all_series : bool, optional
            Whether the output needs to return all the series, by default True.
            * If True the output will contain all series that were passed to this
            * If False the output will contain just the required series (see
        drop_keys : List[str], optional
            Which keys should be dropped when returning the output, by default None.
        copy : bool, optional
            Whether the series in ``data`` should be copied, by default False.
        logging_file_path : Union[str, Path], optional
            The file path where the logged messages are stored, by default None.
            If ``None``, then no logging ``FileHandler`` will be used and the logging
            messages are only pushed to stdout. Otherwise, a logging ``FileHandler`` will
            write the logged messages to the given file path.

        Union[List[pd.Series], pd.DataFrame]
            The preprocessed series.

        * If a ``logging_file_path`` is provided, the execution (time) info can be
          retrieved by calling ``logger.get_processor_logs(logging_file_path)``. <br>
          Be aware that the ``logging_file_path`` gets cleared before the logger pushes
          logged messages. Hence, one should use a separate logging file for each
          constructed processing and feature instance with this library.
        * If a series processor its function output is a ``np.ndarray``, the input series
          dict (required dict for that function) must contain just 1 series! That series
          its name and index are used to return a series dict. When a user does not want
          a numpy array to replace its input series, it is his / her responsibility to
          create a new ``pd.Series`` (or ``pd.DataFrame``) of that numpy array with a
          different (column) name.
        * If ``func_output`` is a ``pd.Series``, keep in mind that the input series gets
          transformed (i.e., replaced) in the pipeline with the ``func_output`` when the
          series name is  equal.

            Error raised when a processing step fails.

        # Delete other logging handlers
        # Add logging handler (if path provided)
        if logging_file_path:
            f_handler = add_logging_handler(logger, logging_file_path)

        # Convert the data to a series_dict
        series_dict: Dict[str, pd.Series] = {}
        for s in to_series_list(data):
            # Assert the assumptions we make!
            if len(s):
                assert isinstance(s.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)
            # TODO: also check monotonic increasing?

            if in self.get_required_series():
                series_dict[str(] = s.copy() if copy else s
            elif return_all_series:
                # If all the series have to be returned
                series_dict[str(] = s.copy() if copy else s

        output_keys: Set[str] = set()  # Maintain set of output series
        for processor in self.processing_steps:
                processed_dict = processor(series_dict)
            except Exception as e:
                # Close the file handler (this avoids PermissionError: [WinError 32])
                if logging_file_path:
                raise _ProcessingError(
                    "Error while processing function {}:\n {}".format(
              , str(e)
                ) from e

        # Close the file handler (this avoids PermissionError: [WinError 32])
        if logging_file_path:

        if not return_all_series:
            # Return just the output series
            output_dict = {key: series_dict[str(key)] for key in output_keys}
            series_dict = output_dict

        if drop_keys is not None:
            # Drop the keys that should not be included in the output
            output_dict = {
                key: series_dict[key]
                for key in set(series_dict.keys()).difference(drop_keys)
            series_dict = output_dict

        if return_df:
            # We merge the series dict into a DataFrame
            return series_dict_to_df(series_dict)
            return [s for s in series_dict.values()]

    def serialize(self, file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
        """Serialize this ``SeriesPipeline`` instance.

        As we use [Dill]({:target="_blank"} to
        serialize, we can also serialize (decorator)functions which are defined in the
        local scope, like lambdas.

        file_path : Union[str, Path]
            The path where the ``SeriesProcessor`` will be serialized.

        with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
            dill.dump(self, f, recurse=True)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return formal representation of object."""
        return "[\n" + "".join([f"\t{str(p)}\n" for p in self.processing_steps]) + "]"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return informal representation of object."""
        return self.__repr__()

Pipeline for applying SeriesProcessor objects sequentially.


processors : List[Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]], optional
List of SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline instances that will be applied sequentially to the internal series dict, by default None. The processing steps will be executed in the same order as passed in this list.


def get_required_series(self)
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def get_required_series(self) -> List[str]:
    """Return all required series names for this pipeline.

    Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute all the
    ``SeriesProcessor`` objects of this processing pipeline.

        List of all the required series names.

    return list(
        set(flatten(step.get_required_series() for step in self.processing_steps))

Return all required series names for this pipeline.

Return the list of series names that are required in order to execute all the SeriesProcessor objects of this processing pipeline.


List of all the required series names.
def append(self, processor)
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def append(self, processor: Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]) -> None:
    """Append a ``SeriesProcessor`` at the end of the pipeline.

    processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
        The ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` that will be added to the
        end of the pipeline.

    if isinstance(processor, SeriesProcessor):
    elif isinstance(processor, SeriesPipeline):
        raise TypeError(
            "Can only append SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline, "
            + f"not {type(processor)}"

Append a SeriesProcessor at the end of the pipeline.


processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
The SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline that will be added to the end of the pipeline.
def insert(self, idx, processor)
Expand source code
def insert(
    self, idx: int, processor: Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
) -> None:
    """Insert a ``SeriesProcessor`` at the given index in the pipeline.

    idx : int
        The index where the given processor should be inserted in the pipeline.
        Index 0 will insert the given processor at the front of the pipeline,
        and index ``len(pipeline)`` is equivalent to appending the processor.
    processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
        The ``SeriesProcessor`` or ``SeriesPipeline`` that will be inserted.<br>
        .. note::
            If the given processor is a ``SeriesPipeline``, all its processors will
            be inserted sequentially, starting from the given index.

    if isinstance(processor, SeriesProcessor):
        self.processing_steps.insert(idx, processor)
    elif isinstance(processor, SeriesPipeline):
        for i, ps in enumerate(processor.processing_steps):
            self.insert(idx + i, ps)
        raise TypeError(
            "Can only insert a SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline, "
            + f"not {type(processor)}"

Insert a SeriesProcessor at the given index in the pipeline.


idx : int
The index where the given processor should be inserted in the pipeline. Index 0 will insert the given processor at the front of the pipeline, and index len(pipeline) is equivalent to appending the processor.
processor : Union[SeriesProcessor, SeriesPipeline]
The SeriesProcessor or SeriesPipeline that will be inserted.


If the given processor is a SeriesPipeline, all its processors will be inserted sequentially, starting from the given index.
def process(self, data, return_df=False, return_all_series=True, drop_keys=None, copy=False, logging_file_path=None)
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def process(
    data: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]],
    return_df: Optional[bool] = False,
    return_all_series: Optional[bool] = True,
    drop_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    copy: Optional[bool] = False,
    logging_file_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
) -> Union[List[pd.Series], pd.DataFrame]:
    """Execute all ``SeriesProcessor`` objects in pipeline sequentially.

    Apply all the processing steps on passed Series list or DataFrame and return the
    preprocessed Series list or DataFrame.

    data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]
        Dataframe or Series or list thereof, with all the required data for the
        processing steps. \n
        **Remark**: each Series / DataFrame must have a ``pd.DatetimeIndex``.
        **Remark**: we assume that each name / column is unique.
    return_df : bool, optional
        Whether the output needs to be a series list or a DataFrame, by default
        If True the output series will be combined to a DataFrame with an outer
    return_all_series : bool, optional
        Whether the output needs to return all the series, by default True.
        * If True the output will contain all series that were passed to this
        * If False the output will contain just the required series (see
    drop_keys : List[str], optional
        Which keys should be dropped when returning the output, by default None.
    copy : bool, optional
        Whether the series in ``data`` should be copied, by default False.
    logging_file_path : Union[str, Path], optional
        The file path where the logged messages are stored, by default None.
        If ``None``, then no logging ``FileHandler`` will be used and the logging
        messages are only pushed to stdout. Otherwise, a logging ``FileHandler`` will
        write the logged messages to the given file path.

    Union[List[pd.Series], pd.DataFrame]
        The preprocessed series.

    * If a ``logging_file_path`` is provided, the execution (time) info can be
      retrieved by calling ``logger.get_processor_logs(logging_file_path)``. <br>
      Be aware that the ``logging_file_path`` gets cleared before the logger pushes
      logged messages. Hence, one should use a separate logging file for each
      constructed processing and feature instance with this library.
    * If a series processor its function output is a ``np.ndarray``, the input series
      dict (required dict for that function) must contain just 1 series! That series
      its name and index are used to return a series dict. When a user does not want
      a numpy array to replace its input series, it is his / her responsibility to
      create a new ``pd.Series`` (or ``pd.DataFrame``) of that numpy array with a
      different (column) name.
    * If ``func_output`` is a ``pd.Series``, keep in mind that the input series gets
      transformed (i.e., replaced) in the pipeline with the ``func_output`` when the
      series name is  equal.

        Error raised when a processing step fails.

    # Delete other logging handlers
    # Add logging handler (if path provided)
    if logging_file_path:
        f_handler = add_logging_handler(logger, logging_file_path)

    # Convert the data to a series_dict
    series_dict: Dict[str, pd.Series] = {}
    for s in to_series_list(data):
        # Assert the assumptions we make!
        if len(s):
            assert isinstance(s.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)
        # TODO: also check monotonic increasing?

        if in self.get_required_series():
            series_dict[str(] = s.copy() if copy else s
        elif return_all_series:
            # If all the series have to be returned
            series_dict[str(] = s.copy() if copy else s

    output_keys: Set[str] = set()  # Maintain set of output series
    for processor in self.processing_steps:
            processed_dict = processor(series_dict)
        except Exception as e:
            # Close the file handler (this avoids PermissionError: [WinError 32])
            if logging_file_path:
            raise _ProcessingError(
                "Error while processing function {}:\n {}".format(
          , str(e)
            ) from e

    # Close the file handler (this avoids PermissionError: [WinError 32])
    if logging_file_path:

    if not return_all_series:
        # Return just the output series
        output_dict = {key: series_dict[str(key)] for key in output_keys}
        series_dict = output_dict

    if drop_keys is not None:
        # Drop the keys that should not be included in the output
        output_dict = {
            key: series_dict[key]
            for key in set(series_dict.keys()).difference(drop_keys)
        series_dict = output_dict

    if return_df:
        # We merge the series dict into a DataFrame
        return series_dict_to_df(series_dict)
        return [s for s in series_dict.values()]

Execute all SeriesProcessor objects in pipeline sequentially.

Apply all the processing steps on passed Series list or DataFrame and return the preprocessed Series list or DataFrame.


data : Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, List[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]]

Dataframe or Series or list thereof, with all the required data for the processing steps.

Remark: each Series / DataFrame must have a pd.DatetimeIndex. Remark: we assume that each name / column is unique.

return_df : bool, optional
Whether the output needs to be a series list or a DataFrame, by default False. If True the output series will be combined to a DataFrame with an outer merge.
return_all_series : bool, optional
Whether the output needs to return all the series, by default True. * If True the output will contain all series that were passed to this method. * If False the output will contain just the required series (see get_required_series).
drop_keys : List[str], optional
Which keys should be dropped when returning the output, by default None.
copy : bool, optional
Whether the series in data should be copied, by default False.
logging_file_path : Union[str, Path], optional
The file path where the logged messages are stored, by default None. If None, then no logging FileHandler will be used and the logging messages are only pushed to stdout. Otherwise, a logging FileHandler will write the logged messages to the given file path.


Union[List[pd.Series], pd.DataFrame]
The preprocessed series.


  • If a logging_file_path is provided, the execution (time) info can be retrieved by calling logger.get_processor_logs(logging_file_path).
    Be aware that the logging_file_path gets cleared before the logger pushes logged messages. Hence, one should use a separate logging file for each constructed processing and feature instance with this library.
  • If a series processor its function output is a np.ndarray, the input series dict (required dict for that function) must contain just 1 series! That series its name and index are used to return a series dict. When a user does not want a numpy array to replace its input series, it is his / her responsibility to create a new pd.Series (or pd.DataFrame) of that numpy array with a different (column) name.
  • If func_output is a pd.Series, keep in mind that the input series gets transformed (i.e., replaced) in the pipeline with the func_output when the series name is equal.


Error raised when a processing step fails.
def serialize(self, file_path)
Expand source code
def serialize(self, file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
    """Serialize this ``SeriesPipeline`` instance.

    As we use [Dill]({:target="_blank"} to
    serialize, we can also serialize (decorator)functions which are defined in the
    local scope, like lambdas.

    file_path : Union[str, Path]
        The path where the ``SeriesProcessor`` will be serialized.

    with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
        dill.dump(self, f, recurse=True)

Serialize this SeriesPipeline instance.


As we use Dill to serialize, we can also serialize (decorator)functions which are defined in the local scope, like lambdas.


file_path : Union[str, Path]
The path where the SeriesProcessor will be serialized.